At a glance
Our strategic plan is enabled by unique expertise and interdependent capabilities, including strategic communications, extensive and reliable science, operational excellence built upon a foundation of equal employment opportunity, partnerships across all the populations we serve, coordination with other government agencies, and culturally appropriate community level engagement. Below are example measures of success. This list is not intended to be comprehensive and highlights several aspirational measures.
By 2023
Climate and Health
Increase the number of states with CDC-funded climate and health programs from 9 to 21.
CDC's Epidemiology and Laboratory Capacity (ELC) program will provide funding and support for all 50 state public health laboratories to conduct genomic sequencing demonstrated by successfully performing SARS-CoV-2 sequencing in house.
Emergency Response
Increase the number of Career Epidemiology Field Officers (CEFO) to 56, which will support the emergency preparedness and response activities of every state, territory, and locality directly funded by CDC's Public Health Emergency Preparedness (PHEP) cooperative agreement.
Maternal Health
Increase the number of pregnant and postpartum women, their support networks, and providers reached by HHS messages about urgent maternal warning signs and mental health by 10%.
Tobacco Use
Reduce percentage of adolescents, grades 6 through 12, who are current users of any product to 14%.
By 2024
Decrease Health Disparities
Narrow racial disparities in blood pressure control, focusing initially on Black adults with hypertension, by improving blood pressure control rates in Black adults by 5%.
Vector-Borne Diseases
Reduce Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever on tribal lands in Arizona to less than 10 cases per year.
By 2025
Antibiotic Resistance
Lower the annual rate of outpatient antibiotic dispensing per 1,000 U.S. population, overall and among specific subpopulations.
Reduce the number of new diabetes diagnoses by 300,000 to about 1 million per year.
Global Coordination
Implement global coordination strategy in 6 regions to detect emerging threats and ensure core capabilities in these countries.
Hepatitis C
Reduce hepatitis C-related deaths by 25%.
Reduce the number of new HIV infections by 75%.
Reduce opioid prescribing by at least 10% to prevent harms associated with prescription opioid misuse.
Suicide and Mental Health
Reduce suicide rates by 10% among groups at disproportionate risk selected by Comprehensive Suicide Prevention Program recipients.
Youth Violence
Reduce the homicide rate among Black males ages 10-34 by 10%.
By 2026
Reduce age-adjusted annual rate of overdose deaths involving synthetic opioids other than methadone (e.g., fentanyl) among states funded through CDC's multi-state surveillance and prevention cooperative agreement (per 100,000 residents).
Reduce the magnitude of the disparity in influenza vaccination among Black and Hispanic populations by 10%.