Chapter 2: Creating Trustworthy Guidelines


  • This ACIP GRADE handbook provides guidance to the ACIP workgroups on how to use the GRADE approach for assessing the certainty of evidence.


In 2011, the National Academy of Medicine, formerly Institute of Medicine, identified eight steps required to develop trustworthy guidelines1:

  1. Establishing transparency
  2. Managing conflict of interest
  3. Composing the guideline development group
  4. Providing for clinical practice guideline–systematic review intersection
  5. Establishing evidence foundations for, and rating strength of, recommendations
  6. Articulating recommendations
  7. Obtaining external review
  8. Updating regularly and with new evidence

This document outlines steps and strategies for conducting a rigorous systematic review and the methods for assessing the certainty of the evidence. The evidence, and the assessment of the certainty of evidence informs the strength of the recommendations, with the goal of maintaining transparency throughout the process.

Content Source:
  1. Committee on Standards for Developing Trustworthy Clinical Practice Guidelines BoHCS, Institute of Medicine. Clinical Practice Guidelines We Can Trust. National Academies Press; 2011.