Key points
- Active People, Healthy Nation℠ is CDC's national initiative to help 27 million Americans become more physically active by 2027.
- To reach this goal, communities can implement evidence-based strategies to increase physical activity across sectors and settings.
- Everyone has a role to play.
Increased physical activity can improve health and quality of life and reduce health care costs. Regular physical activity can help reduce the risk of at least 20 chronic diseases and conditions. It can be an effective treatment for many of these conditions. Societal benefits include better school performance and improved military readiness. Building active and walkable communities can help support local economies, result in less air pollution, and create more cohesive communities.
Active People, Healthy Nation seeks to move:
- 15 million adults from inactive (no aerobic activity) to some moderate-intensity activity every day, like brisk walking.
- 10 million adults from some physical activity to meeting the minimum aerobic physical activity guideline.
- 2 million young people from some physical activity to meeting the minimum aerobic physical activity guideline.
How will we get there?
To reach these goals, communities can implement evidence-based strategies to increase physical activity across sectors and settings. Providing equitable, inclusive access to safe places for physical activity for all Americans is foundational to each strategy.
How are we monitoring success?
CDC monitors physical activity levels through results of the National Health Interview Survey and the Youth Risk Behavior Survey.
CDC's Active People, Healthy Nation: Creating an Active America, Together
Commentary describing Active People, Healthy Nation.
Strategies to Increase Physical Activity
Evidence-based approaches to increase physical activity.
Tools for Action
What you can do based on your profession or interest.
Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, 2nd edition
Amounts and types of physical activity needed.
What You Can Do to Meet Physical Activity Recommendations
Recommendations for different groups.
Benefits of Physical Activity
See infographics with benefits for: