Empowering People With Diabetes to Access DSMES

Key points

Diabetes care and education specialists (DCESs) can encourage people to ask their health care provider for a referral to DSMES services. Helping them find a local program is another simple way to encourage participation.

Mature woman smiling and using a mobile phone in her office

Make the DSMES connection

DCESs can ask people with diabetes if their health care provider has talked with them about DSMES. If not, DCESs can encourage them to ask their provider for a DSMES referral.

Asking about and addressing potential barriers is another way to promote DSMES services. See Advancing Health Equity and Program Participation for more detailed information.

Share the benefits of DSMES

Explaining DSMES to people with diabetes can emphasize the benefits of these services. The DSMES Promotion Playbook offers a plain language description of the benefits of DSMES. For example, DSMES services will help them:

  • Make better decisions about their diabetes.
  • Work with their health care team to get the support they need.
  • Understand how to take care of themselves and learn the skills to:
    • Eat healthy.
    • Be active.
    • Check their blood sugar (glucose).
    • Take medicines as prescribed.
    • Solve problems.
    • Cope with the emotional side of diabetes.
    • Reduce the risk of other health problems.