Fiscal Year 2023: CDC-Hosted Conferences Report

At a glance

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) support and attendance at conferences and other related meetings is critical for our researchers. Our attendance helps leverage and advance the biomedical, scientific, and public health mission of CDC. This report is submitted to report publicly on all agency-sponsored (hosted) conferences where the expenses exceed $100,000.


This report is submitted as required by OMB Memorandum M-12-12 ("Promoting Efficient Spending to Support Agency Operations"), which requires federal agencies to report publicly on all conferences1 where expenses exceed $100,000.

FY 2023 summary

CDC continues to take positive steps in support of the agency's initiatives to gain efficiencies in the use of appropriated funds for scientific meetings and conferences (as found in HHS's policy on promoting efficient spending). At the forefront of these efforts is CDC's work to implement improvements to event management practices through the release of updated training materials and resources.

The following summarizes information about CDC-hosted conferences in FY 2023 where costs exceeded $100,000.

  • Total number of scientific meetings: 5
  • Total cost of the scientific meetings: $4,966,885
  • Total number of attendees: 1,929
  • Average cost per attendee: $2,575
  • Percent of conferences held locally near CDC facilities: 100%
  • Percent of attendees traveling at CDC expense: 49%

Learn more in the CDC Fiscal Year 2023 Report on Conference Spending.

Content Source:
  1. HHS defines a conference as “a meeting, retreat, seminar, symposium, or event that involves attendee travel. The term “conference” also applies to training activities that are considered to be conferences under 5 CFR 410.404.”