FluSight: Flu Forecasting
Unlike CDC’s traditional influenza (flu) surveillance systems, which measure flu activity after it has occurred, flu forecasting provides information about the future, allowing CDC to plan ahead and potentially reduce the impact of flu.
Current Week Flu Forecasting
Check out the latest flu hospitalization forecasts from CDC partners.
About Flu Forecasting
Learn more about flu forecasting and how CDC uses the results to help fight flu.
Previous Flu Forecasts
Previous Flu Forecasts from the 2021-2022 and 2022-2023 Seasons.
Influenza (flu) places a significant disease burden on the U.S. population, but the magnitude and timing varies from season to season, making the annual impact uncertain at the beginning of each season. Flu forecasting can change that by predicting in advance flu-associated hospital admissions for the upcoming weeks.
Information about submitting forecasts is available at https://github.com/cdcepi/FluSight-forecast-hub