Influenza Vaccinations Administered in Pharmacies and Physician Medical Offices*, Adults, United States

At a glance

Weekly estimates of influenza vaccinations administered to adults in pharmacies and medical offices are based on IQVIA data.

Adults 18+ Flu Vaccinations Administered

The projected pharmacy estimates are based on IQVIA, Longitudinal Prescription Claims (LRx) and vaccinations administered in retail pharmacies (including chain, mass merchandise, food stores, and independent pharmacies). Using the raw number of doses administered at a subset of retail pharmacies, IQVIA uses a proprietary projection methodology to estimate the projected number of vaccinations administered at all retail pharmacies. For the 2023─24 season, projected estimates were based on a subset of 43,381 pharmacies. The total number of retail pharmacies in the U.S. was estimated at 57,000 in 2022. § The estimates include flu vaccinations that were billed to insurers (i.e. claims) or paid by cash. Projected pharmacy estimates are updated each week for the prior 13 weeks but an initial evaluation has shown that the number of doses changed minimally over time.

The projected physicians' medical offices estimates are based on IQVIA's Medical Claims (Dx). Using the raw number of doses administered at the offices of a subset of physicians from American Medical Association (AMA) proprietary list, IQVIA uses a proprietary projection methodology to estimate the projected number of vaccinations administered in medical offices of all physicians from AMA's list. For the 2023–24 season, projected estimates were based on a subset of 132,048 AMA office-based physicians who administered flu vaccine. For context, the number of office-based physicians in the U.S. is 691,382.± The estimates include flu vaccinations that are claims-based only, and estimates are expected to increase over time for a given time period as claims are processed and adjudicated. Projected estimates are updated monthly and do not mature until about two months. This results in an increase or decrease in the initial or subsequent estimates for a given week (up to ~10% based on initial evaluations). As an example, the estimate for week ending August 27, 2022, was 198,401 when it was first reported and increased (10.7%) to 219, 558 week ending October 8, 2022, and remained unchanged thereafter through the end of the flu season as of the week ending May 27, 2023.

Vaccinations administered in workplaces, community locations, long-term care settings, and other medical settings such as public health clinics are not represented in these data.

  • Figure 7. Weekly Cumulative Estimated Number of Influenza Vaccinations Administered in Retail Pharmacies and Physicians' Medical Offices Among Adults 18 Years and Older, by Flu Season and Age Group*, United States. Data Source(s): IQVIA LRx and Dx.

Download Data for Figure 7

*National estimates for retail pharmacies and physicians' medical offices include vaccinations administered in 50 states and DC. National estimates for these medical office vaccinations do not include doses where geographic information (i.e. which state the dose was administered in) was missing. Pharmacy data are through Friday of each week and medical office data are through Saturday of each week. Week ending dates for prior seasons are aligned to most closely match the current season's week ending dates. For data privacy, IQVIA calculates age based on year of birth and everyone born in a given year is assigned January 1 as their date of birth.

King, L. M., Bartoces, M., Fleming-Dutra, K. E., et al. (2020). Changes in US outpatient antibiotic prescriptions from 2011–2016. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 70(3), 370-377.

McLaughlin, J. M., Swerdlow, D. L., Khan, F., et al. (2019). Disparities in uptake of 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine among older adults in the United States. Human vaccines & immunotherapeutics, 15(4), 841-849.

§ . Accessed on 08.28.2024

±Area Health Resources Files (AHRF) 2022-2023. US Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration, Bureau of Health Workforce, Rockville, MD. Available at

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