At a glance
These resources provide information and context on how funding is used and assessed by the CDC.
Acquisition vs. Assistance
CDC provides two types of funding: acquisition and assistance.
Acquisition refers to purchasing supplies and services for CDC. These mechanisms typically include contracts, purchase orders, and Inter-Agency Agreements. Often "acquisition" and "contracts" are used interchangeably.
Assistance refers primarily to grants and cooperative agreements. These financial assistance mechanisms help involve and engage public health stakeholders, including state and local governments, in fulfilling CDC's mission. Grants and cooperative agreements provide the means to transfer federal monies, resources, technical assistance, and/or expertise to these stakeholders in exchange for their contributions or to ensure their alignment with federal goals and objectives. Often "assistance" and "grants" are used interchangeably. In practice, there are significant differences between the two. Cooperative agreements are used when CDC has substantial involvement in the activities being funded, while grants are used when CDC has no need for substantial involvement.
Acquisition vs. Assistance
Contracts, Purchase Orders, and Inter-Agency Agreements
Grants and Cooperative Agreements
Principal Purpose
Acquisition for the direct benefit or use of the federal government
Transfer of money, property, services, or anything of value to accomplish a public purpose of support
Primary Beneficiary
Federal Government
Is there a deliverable?
No; however, grantees submit progress and final reports