Matte Article: Listening to Pregnant and Postpartum Women

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This prewritten matte article about the Hear Her® campaign is ready for adaptation and use by journalists, bloggers, and other members of the media.

When Pregnant and Postpartum Women Speak, We Should All Listen

By the CDC Division of Reproductive Health Director Wanda Barfield, MD, MPH, RADM USPHS (Ret.)

This year, too many women will die from pregnancy-related complications. And in most cases, those deaths are preventable.

Women know their bodies and can often tell when something is not right. Every pregnancy is different and while some symptoms may seem normal, it's always important to discuss concerns with a health care provider.

CDC launched the Hear Her® campaign to raise awareness of the urgent warning signs to look out for during and in the year after pregnancy. The campaign includes powerful stories shared by women who experienced severe pregnancy-related complications. Hear Her encourages partners, friends, family, health care providers, and anyone who supports women during or after pregnancy to listen to their concerns. Acting quickly could help save a life.

One such powerful story is told by Lindsay, a mother of four, who developed preeclampsia during her second pregnancy. In response to her symptoms, she was told that she was experiencing typical pregnancy swelling. But when her headache and blurred vision got worse, she checked her blood pressure at a pharmacy and discovered it was dangerously high. Lindsay made the decision to go straight to the hospital, which may have saved her life.

Everyone has an important role to play in helping prevent pregnancy-related deaths.

  • Women and their friends and family can know and communicate the warning symptoms. Communicate recent pregnancy history any time they receive medical care in the year after delivery.
  • Health care providers can help patients manage chronic conditions and have ongoing conversations about the warning signs of complications. They can listen to patients, build trust, and make sure concerns are addressed in a timely manner.
  • Hospitals and health systems can play an important coordination role, encouraging communication and collaboration among health care providers. They can also work to improve delivery of quality care before, during, and after pregnancy and standardize approaches for responding to obstetric emergencies.
  • States and communities can address social determinants of health, such as providing prioritized access to housing and transportation services for pregnant and postpartum women. They can develop systems of care to ensure women with high-risk pregnancies are delivered at hospitals with specialized health care providers and equipment. They can support Maternal Mortality Review Committees to review the causes behind every maternal death and identify actions to prevent future deaths. Maternal Mortality Review Committees also support Perinatal Quality Collaboratives, which aim to improve the quality of care that mothers and their babies receive.

Maternal mortality is a complex public health issue that requires a combination of solutions. Hear Her is one element of a comprehensive strategy by CDC to reduce pregnancy-related complications and deaths.

For more information about CDC's work on maternal mortality, visit