At a glance
The Medical Monitoring Project collects data on, and provides information about the behaviors, clinical outcomes, quality of care, and barriers to care and viral suppression among people with diagnosed HIV in the United States.

About MMP
The Medical Monitoring Project (MMP) arose out of a need for a locally and nationally representative, population-based surveillance system that could provide information about the behaviors, clinical outcomes, quality of care, and barriers to care and viral suppression among people with diagnosed HIV in the United States. The project is led by state, local, and territorial health departments in partnership with CDC. Participants are randomly selected, and data are collected from both an interview and an abstraction of the participant's medical record. MMP data represent all adults with diagnosed HIV, both on a national level and within the 23 areas that take part in the project.
MMP data can be used to guide policy and funding decisions aimed at increasing engagement in care and improving quality of care, and decreasing disparities experienced among people with HIV throughout the United States. The project can answer questions about the care and services that people with HIV receive, including:
- What services do people need, but not receive?
- How many people with HIV receive HIV medical care?
- What are the barriers to accessing care, prevention, and support services?
Project areas
Currently, 23 project areas (16 state health departments, 6 local health departments, and the Puerto Rico Department of Health) conduct MMP. To view a particular health department's contact information, select the state, city, or territory on the interactive map or scroll down to view the list by state/territory.
- California Department of Public Health
Office of AIDS
1616 Capitol Avenue, Suite 74-616 (MS 7700)
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: (916) 322-0771
- Los Angeles
Los Angeles County Department of Public Health
Division of HIV and STD Programs
600 South Commonwealth Avenue, Suite 1920
Los Angeles, CA 90005
Phone: (213) 351-8175
- San Francisco
San Francisco Department of Public Health
HIV Epidemiology Section
25 Van Ness Avenue, Suite 500
San Francisco, CA 94102
Phone: (628) 217-6246
- Delaware Department of Health and Social Services
HIV/AIDS Program
540 South DuPont Highway, Suite 12
Dover, DE 19901
Phone: (302) 744-1016
- Florida Department of Health
4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A-09
Tallahassee, FL 32399-1701
Phone: (850) 245-4357
- Georgia Department of Public Health
2 Peachtree Street NW, 14th Floor
Atlanta, GA 30303
Phone: (404) 657-2601
- Illinois Department of Public Health
Division of Infectious Diseases
122 S. Michigan Avenue, 7th Floor
Chicago, IL 60603
Phone: (312) 814-1960
- Chicago
Chicago Department of Public Health
Surveillance, Epidemiology & Research Section
333 South State Street, Suite 200
Chicago, IL 60604
Phone: (312) 747-9867
- Indiana State Department of Health
Division of HIV/STD
2 North Meridian Street, Mailstop 6C
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Phone: (317) 233-7506
- Michigan Department of Health & Human Services
South Oakland Health Center
PO Box 30727
Lansing, MI 48910
Phone: (517) 241-0872
- Mississippi State Department of Health
STD/HIV Bureau
570 East Woodrow Wilson Drive
Jackson, MS 39216
Phone: (601) 576-7723
New Jersey
- New Jersey Department of Health
Division of HIV, STD, and TB Services
Epidemiologic Services Unit
50 East State Street, 4th Floor
P.O. Box 363
Trenton, NJ 08625-0363
Phone: (609) 913-5862
New York
- New York State Department of Health
Division of Epidemiology
Corning Tower, Room 717
Empire State Plaza Station
Albany, NY 12237-0001
Phone: (518) 473-5786
- New York City
NYC Department of Health & Mental Hygiene
HIV Epidemiology and Field Services
Gotham Center
42-09 28th Street, 22nd Floor
Long Island City, NY 11101-4132
Phone: (347) 396-7636
North Carolina
- North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services
Communicable Disease Branch
225 N. McDowell St.
Raleigh NC 27603
Phone: (919) 546-1620
- Oregon Health Authority
Public Health Division
800 NE Oregon Street, Suite 1105
Portland, OR 97232
Phone: (971) 673-0150
- Pennsylvania Department of Health
Division of Infectious Disease Epidemiology
625 Forster Street, 9th Floor
Harrisburg, PA 17120
Phone: (717) 547-3499
Principal Investigator: Godwin Obri
- Philadelphia
Philadelphia Department of Public Health
AIDS Activities Coordinating Office
1101 Market Street, 8th Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19107
Phone: (215) 685-4778
Principal Investigator: Dr. Kathleen A. Brady
Puerto Rico
- Puerto Rico Department of Health
Programa Vigilancia VIH
Departamento de Salud
PO BOX 70184
SJ, PR, 00936-8184
Phone: (787) 765-2929 ext-5901/5902
Principal Investigator: Martiza Cruz Cortes
- Texas Department of State Health Services
HIV/STD Epidemiology and Surveillance Branch
Texas Department of State Health Services
PO BOX 149347
Austin, TX 78714
Phone: (737) 255-4323
Principal Investigator: D’Andra Luna
Phone: (512) 560-1079
- Houston
Houston Health Department
Bureau of Epidemiology
8000 N. Stadium Drive, 4th Floor
Houston, TX 77054
Phone: (832) 393-4593
- Virginia Department of Health
Division of Disease Prevention HIV and Hepatitis Surveillance Program109 Governor Street, 326
Richmond, VA 23219
Phone: (804) 864-7986
- Washington State Department of Health
Office of Infectious Disease
P.O. Box 47838
Olympia, WA 98504-7838
Phone: (360) 236-3427
What's collected
MMP collects information on various demographic, clinical, and behavioral characteristics including:
- Medical history
- Medical and social services
- Prescribed medications
- Clinic visits
How information is collected
Like many other reportable health conditions, all HIV diagnoses are reported to public health departments. MMP samples adults with diagnosed HIV from this list of reported cases. Only sampled persons can participate. Sampled persons are contacted either directly by a participating health department or through their providers to obtain consent for their participation.
The survey collects basic information, such as birth month and year, gender, and race, as well as questions about a participant's health care. Information from the participant's medical record assists with assessing HIV treatment and quality of care at local and national levels.
Participants receive a token of appreciation (typically a gift card).
MMP staff follow strict protocols to ensure the privacy and confidentiality of information. No individual identifiers, including patient or provider names or addresses, are sent to CDC, nor will they be released or used in any reports.
How MMP data are used
At the national level, MMP data have been used to:
- increase awareness and guide national HIV policy
- guide funding decisions aimed to increase engagement in care and improve quality of care
- inform health care providers of ways to improve care for persons with HIV
- assess adherence to clinical guidelines
- inform CDC's anti-stigma campaign
- decrease disparities experienced among people with HIV
MMP also provides data for the high-priority national HIV prevention social determinants of health indicators for the National HIV/AIDS Strategy that are associated with negative outcomes and affect people's quality of life. These indicators include:
- HIV stigma
- unstable housing
- unmet needs for mental health services
- unemployment
- food insecurity
These indicators help monitor national progress towards ending the HIV epidemic.
Locally, MMP data have been used to inform program planning, policy, and funding for services, including the Ryan White HIV/AIDS program.
Findings are routinely published in surveillance reports and medical journals and presented to community planning groups and at national conferences on topics, such as HIV medication prescription, viral suppression, and health care coverage.
Current data releases
- Behavioral and Clinical Characteristics of Persons with Diagnosed HIV Infection
- Individual-level Social Determinants of Health and Quality of Life Among Persons with Diagnosed HIV Infection
Technical notes
For the most up-to-date technical notes for HIV surveillance and monitoring, see the Technical Notes in the NCHHSTP Atlas Plus.