At a glance
The National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, or the CDC Injury Center, includes the Office of the Director and three divisions: the Division of Injury Prevention (DIP), the Division of Overdose Prevention (DOP), and the Division of Violence Prevention (DVP).
Injury Center Office of the Director, Divisions, Branches, and Teams
The National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, CDC's "Injury Center," includes the Office of the Director and three divisions.
Office of the Director
The Office of the Director is led by the Director, supported by the Principal Deputy Director, and the Deputy Director for Management, Operations, Communication, and Policy. It includes:
- The Behavioral Health Coordinating Unit (reports to the Director).
- Office of Informatics (reports to the Principal Deputy Director).
- Office of Science (reports to the Principal Deputy Director).
- Extramural Research Program Operations (reports to the Principal Deputy Director).
- Extramural Research Program Operations (reports to the Principal Deputy Director).
- Office of Strategy and Innovation (reports to the Principal Deputy Director).
- Office of Communication (reports to the Principal Deputy Director).
- Office of Policy and Partnerships (reports to the Principal Deputy Director).
- Office of Program Management and Operations (reports to the Principal Deputy Director).
Division of Injury Prevention
The Division of Injury Prevention includes the following offices, branches and teams.
Office of the Director
- Office for Science
- Policy and Partnerships Team
- Management and Operations
- Communications Team
Applied Sciences Branch
- Safety Promotion Team
- Suicide Prevention Team
- Transportation Safety Team
- Traumatic Brain Injury Team
Data Analytics Branch
- Applied Statistics Team
- Data Science Team
- Economics Team
- Programming and Web Applications Team
Program Implementation and Evaluation Branch
- Evaluation Team
- State, Local, and Tribal Support Team
- ICRC Implementation Science Team
Division of Overdose Prevention
The Division of Overdose Prevention includes the following offices, branches, and teams.
Office of Policy, Planning, and Partnerships
- Strategic Partnerships, Policy, and Issues Management Team
Communication Branch
- Education, Campaigns, and Implementation Team
- Communication Services Team
Office of the Associate Director for Management and Operations
- Office of Management and Operations
- Management and Operations Unit
- Extramural Management Unit
- Management and Operations Unit
Office of the Deputy Director for Scientific Programs
- Office of the Associate Director for Science
- Cannabis Strategy and Coordination Unit
- Cannabis Strategy and Coordination Unit
- Epidemiology and Surveillance Branch
- Overdose Mortality Team
- Overdose Morbidity Team
- Overdose Data Management Team
- Overdose Mortality Team
- Health Systems and Research Branch
- Clinical Practice Team
- Applied Research, Evaluation, and Integration Team
- Clinical Practice Team
Office of the Associate Director for Program Implementation
- Technical Assistance Unit
- Prevention Programs and Evaluation Branch
- Applied Prevention Science Team
- Program Evaluation Team
- Local Technical Assistance Team
- Public Health and Public Safety Team
- Overdose Preparedness and Response Team
- Applied Prevention Science Team
- State Program Implementation Branch
- State Technical Assistance Team A
- State Technical Assistance Team B
- Scientific Support Team
- State Technical Assistance Team A
- Drug-Free Communities Branch
- Community Assistance Team West
- Community Assistance Team East
- Community Assistance Team Central
- Community Assistance Team West
Division of Violence Prevention
The Division of Violence Prevention includes the following branches and teams.
Senior Director for Scientific Programs
- Surveillance Branch
- Surveillance Coordination Team
- Mortality Surveillance Team
- Morbidity and Behavioral Surveillance Team
- Surveillance Coordination Team
- Research and Evaluation Branch
- Child Abuse, Neglect and Adversity Team
- Sexual and Intimate Partner Violence Team
- Youth Violence and Emerging Topics Team
- Child Abuse, Neglect and Adversity Team
- Field Epidemiology and Prevention Branch
- Implementation Team
- Data Analysis and Programming Team
- Implementation Team
Deputy Director for Management and Program Operations
- Violence Prevention Practice and Translation Branch
- Adversity Prevention and Implementation Practice Team
- Intimate Partner Violence Prevention Team
- Sexual Violence Prevention Team 1
- Sexual Violence Prevention Team 2
- Technical Assistance Coordination, and Translation Team
- Adversity Prevention and Implementation Practice Team