What is RSS?

RSS, which stands for Really Simple Syndication, is an easy way to receive automatic updates from MMWR right to your desktop or browser.  Using an RSS reader, you can subscribe to RSS content from MMWR and view the latest report feeds, including links to the full text of reports.

RSS content is called a feed, or channel. The small software program that collects and displays RSS feeds is called an RSS reader, or aggregator. It allows you to scan headlines from news sources in a central location. Using an RSS reader, you can subscribe to RSS content from MMWR and view the latest feeds, including links to the full text of MMWR articles.

How do I get an RSS Reader?

Some browsers have built-in RSS readers. If you’re using a browser that doesn’t currently support RSS, there are many RSS news readers available for download from the Internet.

To subscribe to an RSS Feed using Google Chrome, you must first download an extension. To do this click on the 3 vertical dots to the upper right of the browser, under the x button. Click on settings, then on the left, click on Extensions and then select RSS Feed Reader.

How can I sign up for MMWR RSS feeds?

The following are the available MMWR RSS Feeds:


Each RSS reader has a slightly different way of adding a new feed but, in most cases, here’s how it works:

  • Click on the link of the feed you want.
  • If you see a page displaying XML code, copy the URL (Web address) from the browser’s address bar.
  • Paste that URL into the “Add New Channel” section of the reader. The RSS feed will start to display content and regularly update the headlines for you.