Errata: Vol. 66, No. SS-5

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In the Surveillance Summary “Health-Related Behaviors by Urban-Rural County Classification — United States, 2013,” errors occurred in Table 1 and Table 2. On page 5, in Table 1, under the Micropolitan column, the 95% CI values should have been (75.7–77.3) for the current nonsmoking row and (29.8–31.4) for the maintaining normal body weight row; under the Noncore column, the 95% CI values should have been (74.0–75.9) for the current nonsmoking row, (28.0–29.8) for the maintaining body weight row, and (45.7–47.7) for the meeting aerobic physical activity recommendations row. On page 6, in Table 2, errors occurred in footnotes and the table is reprinted below.

Return to your place in the textTABLE 2. Prevalence of reporting four or five health-related behaviors* among adults aged ≥18 years, by urban-rural status and selected demographic characteristics§ — Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, United States, 2013
Characteristic Overall Large metropolitan center Large fringe metropolitan Medium metropolitan Small metropolitan Micropolitan Noncore
% (95% CI) % (95% CI) % (95% CI) % (95% CI) % (95% CI) % (95% CI) % (95% CI)
Total 30.4 (30.0–30.7) 31.7 (31.0–32.5) 30.2 (29.6–30.9) 30.5 (29.9–31.0) 29.5 (28.8–30.3) 28.8 (28.0–29.6) 27.0 (26.2–27.9)
Men 27.3 (26.9–27.8) 28.8 (27.8–29.8) 26.5 (25.6–27.3) 27.7 (26.9–28.5) 26.7 (25.6–27.8) 26.3 (25.2–27.4) 25.0 (23.8–26.2)
Women 33.5 (33.0–33.9) 34.8 (33.8–35.8) 34.0 (33.1–34.9) 33.3 (32.4–34.1) 32.6 (31.5–33.7) 31.5 (30.4–32.6) 29.2 (28.0–30.4)
Age (yrs)
18–24 28.2 (26.9–29.5) 30.9 (28.2–33.8) 27.6 (25.0–30.4) 26.1 (23.7–28.6) 27.0 (23.9–30.4) 27.7 (24.7–31.0) 27.1 (23.3–31.3)
25–34 25.5 (24.7–26.2) 26.9 (25.4–28.6) 25.7 (24.2–27.3) 24.7 (23.4–26.1) 25.1 (23.2–27.1) 24.1 (22.3–26.1) 20.9 (18.9–23.0)
35–44 27.1 (26.3–27.9) 30.0 (28.2–31.8) 27.1 (25.7–28.6) 26.5 (25.1–27.9) 25.0 (23.2–26.9) 23.8 (22.1–25.6) 21.8 (20.0–23.8)
45–54 26.4 (25.8–27.1) 28.3 (26.7–29.9) 26.2 (25.1–27.4) 27.4 (26.3–28.6) 24.4 (22.9–26.0) 23.8 (22.3–25.4) 22.5 (20.9–24.2)
55–64 29.9 (29.3–30.5) 30.0 (28.4–31.6) 30.8 (29.6–32.0) 30.0 (28.9–31.1) 29.5 (28.1–31.0) 29.0 (27.6–30.4) 27.6 (26.2–29.1)
65–74 38.0 (37.3–38.8) 37.4 (35.5–39.4) 37.3 (35.9–38.8) 39.5 (38.2–40.8) 40.0 (38.3–41.7) 37.5 (35.8–39.1) 36.7 (35.0–38.3)
≥75 47.9 (47.1–48.8) 48.3 (46.0–50.6) 46.7 (44.9–48.4) 49.3 (47.9–50.8) 48.9 (47.0–50.8) 46.7 (44.6–48.8) 47.1 (44.9–49.3)
White, non-Hispanic 30.9 (30.6–31.3) 33.6 (32.7–34.5) 30.4 (29.7–31.1) 31.3 (30.6–31.9) 30.2 (29.4–31.1) 29.2 (28.3–30.1) 27.6 (26.6–28.5)
Black, non-Hispanic 23.4 (22.5–24.3) 23.5 (21.9–25.3) 23.5 (21.7–25.3) 23.7 (21.9–25.6) 21.4 (18.9–24.3) 25.4 (22.2–28.9) 21.1 (18.2–24.4)
Hispanic 28.4 (27.3–29.5) 29.2 (27.4–31.1) 27.4 (25.2–29.8) 28.6 (26.8–30.5) 27.8 (24.7–31.1) 27.0 (24.0–30.3) 22.0 (18.3–26.2)
American Indian/Alaska Native 26.0 (23.4–28.9) 31.1 (23.3–40.1) 24.1 (18.6–30.5) 24.4 (18.8–31.0) 27.6 (22.4–33.4) 23.3 (19.1–28.1) 25.4 (21.2–30.2)
Asian 42.1 (39.7–44.4) 39.8 (36.3–43.5) 45.7 (41.5–49.9) 42.1 (37.4–47.0) 45.4 (38.1–52.9) 42.0 (32.6–52.1) 58.2 (43.8–71.3)
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander 34.2 (27.4–41.6) 38.2 (28.1–49.4) 40.5 (25.8–57.1) 22.5 (14.2–33.9) 35.5 (22.8–50.5) 21.9 (12.7–35.3) —**
Multiracial, non-Hispanic 24.5 (22.3–26.8) 26.3 (21.3–32.1) 22.3 (18.4–26.7) 26.3 (22.8–30.2) 21.4 (17.8–25.5) 23.5 (19.5–28.0) 19.4 (15.2–24.4)
Other 30.7 (28.7–32.8) 33.6 (29.2–38.3) 29.5 (25.6–33.7) 32.0 (28.1–36.1) 28.5 (24.3–33.2) 25.6 (21.2–30.5) 27.1 (21.7–33.3)
Education (yrs)
<12 22.5 (21.5–23.7) 24.9 (22.6–27.3) 21.6 (19.4–24.0) 22.2 (20.2–24.4) 19.8 (17.4–22.4) 21.1 (18.5–24.0) 18.7 (16.5–21.0)
12 26.3 (25.8–26.9) 27.8 (26.4–29.4) 25.7 (24.4–27.0) 26.6 (25.6–27.7) 25.8 (24.5–27.2) 24.8 (23.5–26.1) 25.0 (23.6–26.5)
>12 33.9 (33.5–34.3) 34.8 (3 3.9–35.7) 33.3 (32.6–34.1) 34.0 (33.2–34.7) 33.8 (32.8–34.8) 33.7 (32.7–34.7) 31.4 (30.3–32.6)

Abbreviation: CI = confidence interval.
* The five health-related behaviors are sufficient sleep, current nonsmoking, nondrinking or moderate drinking, maintaining normal body weight, and meeting aerobic leisure time physical activity recommendations.
As defined in the National Center for Health Statistics 2013 Urban-Rural Classification Scheme for Counties.
§ Age adjusted to the 2000 U.S. standard population aged ≥18 years with the direct method, except for age groups.
t-test p<0.05 for significant difference between rural respondents and respondents in any other urban-rural classification group.
** Unreliable estimate if relative standard error ≥30% or n <50.

Suggested citation for this article: Errata: Vol. 66, No. SS-5. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2017;66:196. DOI:

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