QuickStats: Age-Adjusted Lung Cancer Death* Rates,† by State — National Vital Statistics System, United States, 2018
Weekly / September 11, 2020 / 69(36);1273
![Map of the United States Showing that in 2018 the Age-adjusted Lung Cancer Death Rate in the United States was 34.8 per 100,000 The figure is a map of the United States showing that in 2018, the age-adjusted lung cancer death rate in the United States was 34.8 per 100,000. Twenty-one states had a higher lung cancer death rate than the national rate, 15 states and DC had lower death rates, and 14 states had rates that were not statistically different from the national rate. Most states with higher death rates were in the Midwest or Southeast. The five states with the highest age-adjusted lung cancer death rates were Kentucky (53.5), West Virginia (50.8), Mississippi (49.6), Arkansas (47.4), and Oklahoma (46.8). The five jurisdictions with the lowest lung cancer death rates were Utah (16.4), New Mexico (22.5), Colorado (23.0), DC (24.6), and California (25.0).](/mmwr/volumes/69/wr/figures/mm6936a8-F.gif?_=68187)
Abbreviation: DC = District of Columbia.
* As underlying cause of death, lung cancer deaths are identified with International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision codes C33 and C34.
† Deaths per 100,000 population are age-adjusted to the 2000 U.S. standard population, for a U.S. rate of 34.8.
In 2018, the age-adjusted lung cancer death rate in the United States was 34.8 per 100,000. Twenty-one states had a higher lung cancer death rate than the national rate, 15 states and DC had lower death rates, and 14 states had rates that were not statistically different from the national rate. Most states with higher death rates were in the Midwest or Southeast. The five states with the highest age-adjusted lung cancer death rates were Kentucky (53.5), West Virginia (50.8), Mississippi (49.6), Arkansas (47.4), and Oklahoma (46.8). The five jurisdictions with the lowest lung cancer death rates were Utah (16.4), New Mexico (22.5), Colorado (23.0), DC (24.6), and California (25.0).
Sources: National Center for Health Statistics. National Vital Statistics System, mortality data. https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/deaths.htm; CDC. CDC WONDER online database. https://wonder.cdc.gov/ucd-icd10.html.
Reported by: Sibeso N. Joyner, MPH, uvi1@cdc.gov, 301-458-4254; Deepthi Kandi, MS.
Suggested citation for this article: QuickStats: Age-Adjusted Lung Cancer Death Rates, by State — National Vital Statistics System, United States, 2018. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2020;69:1273. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15585/mmwr.mm6936a8.