QuickStats: Percentage* of Adults Aged ≥20 Years Consuming Breakfast on a Given Day, by Sex and Age — United States, 2015–2018
Weekly / January 1, 2021 / 69(5152);1665
![mm695152a9-F The figure is a bar chart showing that during 2015–2018, 84.4%26#37; of adults aged ≥20 years consumed breakfast on a given day, with the percentage increasing with age, from 76.6%26#37; among adults aged 20–39 years, to 86.4%26#37; among adults aged 40–59 years, and 91.6%26#37; among those aged ≥60 years. A higher percentage of women consumed breakfast compared with men among all adults ≥20 years (86.5%26#37; versus 82.0%26#37;), those aged 20–39 years (80.0%26#37; versus 73.2%26#37;), and those aged 40–59 years (89.4%26#37; versus 83.3%26#37;). No significant differences were observed by sex for adults aged ≥60 years (90.8%26#37; women and 92.6%26#37; men).](/mmwr/volumes/69/wr/figures/mm695152a9-F.gif?_=47032)
* Percentages are based on reporting breakfast as the eating occasion for a food or beverage during the in-person 24-hour dietary recall; 95% confidence intervals are indicated with error bars.
During 2015–2018, 84.4% of adults aged ≥20 years consumed breakfast on a given day, with the percentage increasing with age, from 76.6% among adults aged 20–39 years, to 86.4% among adults aged 40–59 years, and 91.6% among those aged ≥60 years. A higher percentage of women consumed breakfast compared with men among all adults ≥20 years (86.5% versus 82.0%), those aged 20–39 years (80.0% versus 73.2%), and those aged 40–59 years (89.4% versus 83.3%). No significant differences were observed by sex for adults aged ≥60 years (90.8% women and 92.6% men).
Source: Terry, AL, Wambogo E. National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, Dietary Data, 2015–2018; https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nhanes/index.htm.
Reported by: Ana Terry, MS, auc5@cdc.gov, 301-458-4227; Edwina Wambogo, PhD.
Suggested citation for this article: QuickStats: Percentage of Adults Aged ≥20 Years Consuming Breakfast on a Given Day, by Sex and Age — United States, 2015–2018. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2021;69:1665. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15585/mmwr.mm695152a9.