Data, Trends, and Maps
This interactive database provides national and state-level data about the health status and behaviors of Americans as well as environmental or policy supports. Categories include breastfeeding, fruits and vegetables, physical activity, sugar drinks, television watching, and obesity/weight. Visitors can use the ‘view by’ option to examine data by demographics such as gender and race/ethnicity. The data come from multiple sources.
Explore by Indicator
View available data for specific indicators. First choose a category then select a topic.
Comparison Report
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County Breastfeeding Initiation Rates
Diagnosed Diabetes
Local Trends in Heart Disease and Stroke Mortality
Interactive Atlas of Heart Disease and Stroke
Chronic Disease Measures by Place
Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System
CDC/ATSDR Social Vulnerability Index
Community Resilience Estimates
Need to Work with Data Directly?
Go to the Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity: Data, Trends, and Maps Data Portal to create your own filtered dataset, customize visualizations, and download data.
Global Observatory for Physical Activity: Country Cards
World Health Organization Vitamin and Mineral Nutrition Information System (VMNIS)