"Variable Name","Variable Label (VAR)","VAR Type","VAR Length","Range of Values","Value Description" "SURVEY","NCHS SURVEY NAME","Char",20,"-","-" "PUBLICID","NHIS PUBLIC USE ID","Char",14,"ID","-" "SEQN","NHANES SAMPLE SEQUENCE NUMBER (PUBLIC ID)","Num",8,"ID","-" "RESNUM","NNHS RESIDENT ID NUMBER (PUBLIC)","Num",8,"ID","-" "PATNUM","Patient/Discharge Record (Case) Number in public-use file","Num",8,"ID","-" "FILE_YEAR4","Beneficiary Enrollment Reference Year (YYYY)","Num",4,"1999-2013","-" "NCHS_CLM_ID","NCHS CLAIM ID","Num",8,"-","-" "NCH_CLM_TYPE_CD","NCH Claim Type Code","Char",2,10,"HHA claim" "RLT_SPAN_CD_SEQ","Claim Related Span Code Sequence","Char",2,"-","-" "CLM_SPAN_CD","Claim Occurrence Span Code","Char",2,"**OTHER**","Miscoded" "CLM_SPAN_CD","Claim Occurrence Span Code","Char",2,71,"Hospital prior stay dates - the from/thru dates of any hospital stay that ended within 60 days of this hospital or SNF admission." "CLM_SPAN_CD","Claim Occurrence Span Code","Char",2,72,"First/last visit - the dates of the first and last visits occurring in this billing period if the dates are different from those in the statement covers period." "CLM_SPAN_CD","Claim Occurrence Span Code","Char",2,74,"Non-covered level of care - the from/thru dates of a period at a noncovered level of care in an otherwise covered stay, excluding any period reported with occurrence span code 76, 77, or 79." "CLM_SPAN_CD","Claim Occurrence Span Code","Char",2,75,"The from/thru dates of SNF level of care during IP hospital stay. Shows PRO approval of patient remaining in hospital because SNF bed not available. Not applicable to swing bed cases. PPS hospitals us" "CLM_SPAN_FROM_DT","Claim Occurrence Span From Date","Num",4,"-","-" "CLM_SPAN_THRU_DT","Claim Occurrence Span Through Date","Num",4,"-","-"