"Variable Name","Variable Label (VAR)","VAR Type","VAR Length","Range of Values","Value Description" "SURVEY","NCHS SURVEY NAME","Char",20,"-","-" "PUBLICID","NHIS PUBLIC USE ID","Char",14,"ID","-" "SEQN","NHANES SAMPLE SEQUENCE NUMBER (PUBLIC ID)","Num",8,"ID","-" "RESNUM","NNHS RESIDENT ID NUMBER (PUBLIC)","Num",8,"ID","-" "PATNUM","Patient/Discharge Record (Case) Number in public-use file","Num",8,"ID","-" "FILE_YEAR4","Beneficiary Enrollment Reference Year (YYYY)","Num",4,"1999-2013","-" "NCHS_CLM_ID","NCHS CLAIM ID","Num",8,"-","-" "NCH_CLM_TYPE_CD","NCH Claim Type Code","Char",2,10,"HHA claim" "RLT_VAL_CD_SEQ","Claim Related Value Code Sequence","Char",2,"-","-" "CLM_VAL_CD","Claim Value Code","Char",2,"**OTHER**","Miscoded" "CLM_VAL_CD","Claim Value Code","Char",2,01,"Most Common Semi-Private Rate - to provide for the recording of hospital's most common semi-private rate." "CLM_VAL_CD","Claim Value Code","Char",2,02,"Hospital Has No Semi-Private Rooms - Entering this code requires $0.00 amount." "CLM_VAL_CD","Claim Value Code","Char",2,12,"Amount is that portion of higher priority EGHP insurance payment made on behalf of aged bene provider applied to Medicare covered services on this bill. Six zeroes indicate provider claimed condition" "CLM_VAL_CD","Claim Value Code","Char",2,13,"Amount is that portion of higher priority EGHP insurance payment made on behalf of ESRD bene provider applied to Medicare covered services on this bill. Six zeroes indicate the provider claimed condit" "CLM_VAL_CD","Claim Value Code","Char",2,14,"That portion of payment from higher priority no fault auto/other liability insurance made on behalf of bene provider applied to Medicare covered services on this bill. Six zeroes indicate provider cla" "CLM_VAL_CD","Claim Value Code","Char",2,15,"That portion of a payment from a higher priority WC plan made on behalf of a bene that the provider applied to Medicare covered services on this bill. Six zeroes indicate the provider claimed conditio" "CLM_VAL_CD","Claim Value Code","Char",2,17,"Operating Outlier amount - Providers do not report this. For payer internal use only. Indicates the amount of day or cost outlier payment to be made. (Do not include any PPS capital outlier payment" "CLM_VAL_CD","Claim Value Code","Char",2,23,"Recurring monthly income - Medicaid - Eligibility requirements to be determined at state level. (Medicaid specific/deleted 9/93)" "CLM_VAL_CD","Claim Value Code","Char",2,24,"Medicaid rate code - Medicaid - Eligibility requirements to be determined at state level. (Medicaid specific/deleted 9/93)" "CLM_VAL_CD","Claim Value Code","Char",2,26,"Prescription Drugs Offset to Patient (Payment Amount - Hearing and Ear Services) Hearing and ear services paid for out of a long term care facility resident/patient's funds in the billing period submi" "CLM_VAL_CD","Claim Value Code","Char",2,27,"Offset to the Patient (Payment Amount - Vision and Eye Services) - Vision and eye services paid for out of a long term care facility resident/patient's funds in the billing period submitted (Statement" "CLM_VAL_CD","Claim Value Code","Char",2,34,"Offset to the Patient Payment Amount (Medical Services) -- Other medical services paid out of a long-term care facility resident/patient's funds in the billing period submitted." "CLM_VAL_CD","Claim Value Code","Char",2,39,"Pints of blood replaced - The total number of pints of whole blood or units of packed red cells furnished to the patient that have been replaced by or on behalf of the patient. (eff 10/93)" "CLM_VAL_CD","Claim Value Code","Char",2,41,"Amount is that portion of a payment from higher priority BL program made on behalf of bene the provider applied to Medicare covered services on this bill. Six zeroes indicate the provider claimed con" "CLM_VAL_CD","Claim Value Code","Char",2,43,"Disabled bene under age 65 with LGHP - Amount is that portion of a payment from a higher priority LGHP made on behalf of a disabled Medicare bene the provider applied to Medicare covered services on t" "CLM_VAL_CD","Claim Value Code","Char",2,44,"Amount provider agreed to accept from primary payer when amount less than charges but more than payment received - When a lesser amount is received and the received amount is less than charges, a Medi" "CLM_VAL_CD","Claim Value Code","Char",2,45,"Accident Hour - The hour the accident occurred that necessitated medical treatment." "CLM_VAL_CD","Claim Value Code","Char",2,47,"Any liability insurance - Amount is that portion from a higher priority liability insurance made on behalf of Medicare bene the provider is applying to Medicare covered services on this bill. (Eff 9/9" "CLM_VAL_CD","Claim Value Code","Char",2,50,"Physical therapy visits - Indicates the number of physical therapy visits from onset (at billing provider) through this billing period." "CLM_VAL_CD","Claim Value Code","Char",2,51,"Occupational therapy visits - Indicates the number of occupational therapy visits from onset (at the billing provider) through this billing period." "CLM_VAL_CD","Claim Value Code","Char",2,52,"Speech therapy visits - Indicates the number of speech therapy visits from onset (at billing provider) through this billing period." "CLM_VAL_CD","Claim Value Code","Char",2,55,"Eligibility Threshold for Charity Care - code identifies the corresponding value amount at which a health care facility determines the eligibility threshold of charity care." "CLM_VAL_CD","Claim Value Code","Char",2,56,"Hours skilled nursing provided - The number of hours skilled nursing provided during the billing period. Count only hours spent in the home." "CLM_VAL_CD","Claim Value Code","Char",2,57,"Home health visit hours - The number of home health aide services provided during the billing period. Count only the hours spent in the home." "CLM_VAL_CD","Claim Value Code","Char",2,59,"Oxygen saturation - Oxygen saturation at the beginning of each reporting period for oxygen therapy. This value or value 58 will be required on the initial bill for oxygen therapy and on the fourth mo" "CLM_VAL_CD","Claim Value Code","Char",2,60,"HHA branch MSA - MSA in which HHA branch is located." "CLM_VAL_CD","Claim Value Code","Char",2,61,"Location of HHA service or hospice service - the balanced budget act (BBA) requires that the geographic location of where the service was provided be furnished instead of the geographic location of th" "CLM_VAL_CD","Claim Value Code","Char",2,62,"Number of Part A home health visits accrued during a period of continuous care - necessitated by the change in payment basis under HH PPS (eff. 10/00)" "CLM_VAL_CD","Claim Value Code","Char",2,63,"Number of Part B home health visits accrued during a period of continuous care - necessitated by the change in payment basis under HH PPS (eff. 10/00)" "CLM_VAL_CD","Claim Value Code","Char",2,64,"Amount of home health payments attributed to the Part A trust fund in a period of continuous care - necessitated by the change in payment basis under HH PPS (eff. 10/00)" "CLM_VAL_CD","Claim Value Code","Char",2,65,"Amount of home health payments attributed to the Part B trust fund in a period of continuous care - necessitated by the change in payment basis under HH PPS (eff. 10/00)" "CLM_VAL_CD","Claim Value Code","Char",2,66,"Medicare Spend-down Amount -- The dollar amount that was used to meet th4e recipient's spend-down liability for this claim." "CLM_VAL_CD","Claim Value Code","Char",2,69,"Reserved for national assignment" "CLM_VAL_CD","Claim Value Code","Char",2,70,"Interest amount - (Providers do not report this.) Report the amount applied to this bill." "CLM_VAL_CD","Claim Value Code","Char",2,73,"Drug deductible - (For internal use by third party payers only). Report the amount of the drug deductible to be applied to the claim." "CLM_VAL_CD","Claim Value Code","Char",2,74,"Drug coinsurance - (For internal use by third party payers only). Report the amount of drug coinsurance to be applied to the claim." "CLM_VAL_CD","Claim Value Code","Char",2,76,"Report provider's percentage of billed charges interim rate during billing period. Applies to OP hospital, SNF and HHA claims where interim rate is applicable. Report to left of dollar/cents delimite" "CLM_VAL_CD","Claim Value Code","Char",2,80,"Reserved for state assignment." "CLM_VAL_CD","Claim Value Code","Char",2,81,"Reserved for state assignment." "CLM_VAL_CD","Claim Value Code","Char",2,82,"Reserved for state assignment." "CLM_VAL_CD","Claim Value Code","Char",2,83,"Reserved for state assignment." "CLM_VAL_CD","Claim Value Code","Char",2,84,"Reserved for state assignment." "CLM_VAL_CD","Claim Value Code","Char",2,85,"Reserved for state assignment." "CLM_VAL_CD","Claim Value Code","Char",2,86,"Reserved for state assignment." "CLM_VAL_CD","Claim Value Code","Char",2,87,"Reserved for state assignment." "CLM_VAL_CD","Claim Value Code","Char",2,88,"Reserved for state assignment." "CLM_VAL_CD","Claim Value Code","Char",2,89,"Reserved for state assignment." "CLM_VAL_CD","Claim Value Code","Char",2,90,"Reserved for state assignment." "CLM_VAL_CD","Claim Value Code","Char",2,91,"Reserved for state assignment." "CLM_VAL_CD","Claim Value Code","Char",2,92,"Reserved for state assignment." "CLM_VAL_CD","Claim Value Code","Char",2,93,"Reserved for state assignment." "CLM_VAL_CD","Claim Value Code","Char",2,94,"Reserved for state assignment." "CLM_VAL_CD","Claim Value Code","Char",2,95,"Reserved for state assignment." "CLM_VAL_CD","Claim Value Code","Char",2,96,"Reserved for state assignment." "CLM_VAL_CD","Claim Value Code","Char",2,97,"Reserved for state assignment." "CLM_VAL_CD","Claim Value Code","Char",2,98,"Reserved for state assignment." "CLM_VAL_CD","Claim Value Code","Char",2,99,"Reserved for state assignment." "CLM_VAL_CD","Claim Value Code","Char",2,"A2","Coinsurance Payer A - The amount assumed by the provider to be applied to the patient's Part B coinsurance amount involving the indicated payer. (eff 10/93)" "CLM_VAL_CD","Claim Value Code","Char",2,"A3","Estimated Responsibility Payer A - The amount estimated by the provider to be paid by the indicated payer." "CLM_VAL_CD","Claim Value Code","Char",2,"A6","Covered self-administered drugs -Diagnostic study and Other --- the amount included in covered charges for self-administrable drugs administered to the patient because the drug was necessary for diagn" "CLM_VAL_CD","Claim Value Code","Char",2,"B2","Coinsurance Payer B - the amount assumed by the provider to be applied to the patient's Part B coinsurance amount involving the indicated payer. (eff 10/93)" "CLM_VAL_CD","Claim Value Code","Char",2,"D3","Estimated Responsibility Patient - The amount estimated by the provider to be paid by the indicated patient." "CLM_VAL_CD","Claim Value Code","Char",2,"G8","Facility Where Inpatient Hospice Service Is Delivered - MSA or Core Based Statistical Area (CBSA) number (or rural state code) of the facility where inpatient hospice is delivered. (Eff. 1/1/08)" "CLM_VAL_CD","Claim Value Code","Char",2,"XX","Total Charge Amount for all Part A visits on RIC 'U' claims - for Home Health claims containing both Part A and Part B services this code identifies the total charge amount for the Part A visits (base" "CLM_VAL_CD","Claim Value Code","Char",2,"XY","Total Charge Amount for all Part B visits on RIC 'U' claims - for Home Health claims containing both Part A and Part B services this code identifies the total charge amount for the Part B visits (base" "CLM_VAL_CD","Claim Value Code","Char",2,"XZ","Total Charge Amount for all Part B nonvisit charges on the RIC 'U' claims - for Home Health claims containing both Part A & Part B services, this code identifies the total charge amount for the Part B" "CLM_VAL_AMT","Claim Value Amount","Num",8,"-","-"