"Variable Name","Variable Label (VAR)","VAR Type","VAR Length","Range of Values","Value Description" "SURVEY","NCHS SURVEY NAME","Char",20,"-","-" "PUBLICID","NHIS PUBLIC USE ID","Char",14,"ID","-" "SEQN","NHANES SAMPLE SEQUENCE NUMBER (PUBLIC ID)","Num",8,"ID","-" "RESNUM","NNHS RESIDENT ID NUMBER (PUBLIC)","Num",8,"ID","-" "PATNUM","Patient/Discharge Record (Case) Number in public-use file","Num",8,"ID","-" "FILE_YEAR4","Beneficiary Enrollment Reference Year (YYYY)","Num",4,"1999-2013","-" "NCHS_CLM_ID","NCHS CLAIM ID","Num",8,"-","-" "NCH_CLM_TYPE_CD","NCH Claim Type Code","Char",2,40,"Outpatient claim" "RLT_SPAN_CD_SEQ","Claim Related Span Code Sequence","Char",2,"-","-" "CLM_SPAN_CD","Claim Occurrence Span Code","Char",2,72,"First/last visit - the dates of the first and last visits occurring in this billing period if the dates are different from those in the statement covers period." "CLM_SPAN_CD","Claim Occurrence Span Code","Char",2,73,"Benefit eligibility period - the inclusive dates during which CHAMPUS medical benefits are available to a sponsor's bene as shown on the bene's ID card." "CLM_SPAN_CD","Claim Occurrence Span Code","Char",2,74,"Non-covered level of care - the from/thru dates of a period at a noncovered level of care in an otherwise covered stay, excluding any period reported with occurrence span code 76, 77, or 79." "CLM_SPAN_FROM_DT","Claim Occurrence Span From Date","Num",4,"-","-" "CLM_SPAN_THRU_DT","Claim Occurrence Span Through Date","Num",4,"-","-"