Restricted-Use NCHS-CMS Medicaid Data

NCHS survey data have been linked to the research-oriented Medicaid files known as the Transformed Statistical Medicaid Information System (T-MSIS) Analytic Files (TAF).

The TAFs consist of a demographic and eligibility (DE) file and four claims files: inpatient (IP), institutional long-term care (LT), pharmacy (RX), and other services (OT).

Detailed descriptions of each of these files can be found in the following online report:

The Linkage of National Center for Health Statistics Survey Data to Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Transformed Medicaid Statistical Information System Claims Data (2014-2019): Matching Methodology and Analytic Considerations [PDF – 2 MB]


Data Access

Due to confidentiality requirements, the Restricted-use NCHS-CMS T-MSIS data files are accessible only through the NCHS Research Data Center (RDC). All interested researchers must submit a research proposal to the RDC. Please see the RDC website for instructions on submitting a proposal.

Restricted Use Data Dictionaries:

Variable List

Restricted-use NCHS-CMS T-MSIS Files – List of Variables [PDF – 343 KB]