Restricted-Use Linked NHCS – HUD Administrative Housing Data

Through its data linkage program, NCHS has been able to expand the analytic utility of the data collected from the 2014 and 2016 National Hospital Care Surveys (NHCS) by linking patient records with up to three years of administrative housing data from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) largest housing assistance programs: the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program, Public Housing (PH) , and privately owned, subsidized Multifamily housing (MF). These innovative linked data will support a wide array of patient outcomes studies, including the opportunity to study complex relationships between housing and health.

Descriptions of the methods used for linkage and analytic considerations for the 2014 NHCS -2013/2015 HUD & 2016 NHCS – 2015/2017 HUD linkages can be found in the NHCS – HUD Administrative Data Matching Methodology and Analytic Considerations. [PDF – 590 KB]

Data Access

Due to confidentiality requirements, the Restricted-use linked 2014 NHCS -2013/2015 HUD & 2016 NHCS – 2015/2017 HUD data files are accessible only through the NCHS Research Data Center (RDC) Network. All interested researchers must submit a research proposal to the RDC. Please see the  RDC website for instructions on submitting a proposal.

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