Restricted-Use NCHS-VA Data

NCHS survey data have been linked to VA administrative data containing information on details of active-duty service in the United States uniformed services (such as branch of service, and era of active-duty service) and VA benefit program utilization including: VA health care, service-connected disability compensation, pension, VA guaranteed home loan program, life insurance, education, training, and veteran readiness (vocational rehabilitation), and employment benefit programs.

Descriptions of the VA administrative data files that have been linked to NCHS survey data can be found in the following online report:
The Linkage of the National Center for Health Statistics Survey Data to United States Department of Veterans Affairs Administrative Data: Linkage Methodology and Analytic Considerations [PDF – 561 KB]

Data Access

Due to confidentiality requirements, the Restricted-use NCHS-VA Linked Data Files are accessible only through the NCHS Research Data Center (RDC) Network. All interested researchers must submit a research proposal to the RDC.  Please see the RDC website for instructions on submitting a proposal.

Restricted Use Data Dictionaries