What to Expect

Key points

  • A survey representative will visit your home to see if you are eligible.
  • Participating involves answering health questions, visiting our mobile exam center for health and lab tests, and answering questions about what you eat.
  • You receive results from your health exam that you can share with your provider.
Young black mom and toddler. Toddler holds a stethoscope to an Asian provider's chest.


You have been invited to take part in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES).

NHANES assesses the health and nutritional status of U.S. adults and children.

We used a scientific process to select your household randomly from addresses in your area. You should have received a letter introducing the survey and inviting you to participate.

You choose whether to take part in NHANES. You choose whether to allow your child take part too, if they are eligible. At any time, you can choose not to answer a question, refuse an exam, or stop participating in the survey. There is no penalty for not participating, skipping a part of the survey, or stopping the survey.


The National Center for Health Statistics works with RTI International to conduct NHANES. A field interviewer from RTI will contact you on behalf of NHANES.

Health and dietary interviews

If you choose to participate, your NHANES field interviewer will schedule your health interview at a time that is convenient for you. It can be during the weekend or weekday, daytime or evening. It can take place in your home or somewhere else if you choose.

The NHANES health interview covers a wide range of topics related to your health. It includes questions about your current and past medical conditions and your access to health care. It will take about an hour to complete the interview.

At the end of the health interview, your field interviewer will schedule your free health exam at the NHANES mobile exam center and your telephone dietary interview to ask about the food you eat. You also will receive more information about the dietary interviews at this time.

Mobile exam center visit

Highly trained health professionals will conduct your exams. Depending on your age and your sex, your exam may include—

  • Height, weight, and other body measures
  • Blood pressure reading
  • Dental exam
  • Vision and hearing tests
  • Laboratory tests for kidney and liver health

Test results

You will get results from your free health exam and laboratory tests. You will get some results right away. You will get the rest of your free results on the NHANES secure participant portal within 3-4 months.

Your data and results are private and confidential. You can share these results with your healthcare provider or keep them for your personal health record. Only you can choose to share your results with others.


We welcome your questions and suggestions.

Call us at 1-800-344-1386