Key Statistics from the National Survey of Family Growth – I Listing


Impaired fecundity


I Listing Tables
Percent (SE), Number
Percentage and number of women 15-49 years of age (of all marital statuses) who have impaired fecundity (i.e., who are not surgically sterile, and for whom it is difficult or impossible to get pregnant or carry a pregnancy to term) 13.4 (0.41), 9.7 million

Source: Special tabulation by NCHS


Percentage of women 15-49 years of age (of all marital statuses) who have impaired fecundity by parity and age:

I Listing Tables
0 births 1 or more births
Percent (SE)
Total 15-49 years 13.8 (0.72) 13.1 (0.57)
15-29 years 9.2 (0.74) 12.0 (1.16)
30-39 years 22.2 (2.35) 12.2 (0.84)
40-49 years 33.4 (3.48) 14.5 (1.17)

Source: Special tabulation by NCHS


I Listing Tables
Percent (SE), Number
Percentage and number of currently married women 15-49 years of age who have impaired fecundity 16.3 (0.73), 4.7 million

Source: Special tabulation by NCHS


Percentage of currently married women 15-49 years of age who have impaired fecundity, by parity and age:

I Listing Tables
0 births 1 or more births
Percent (SE)
Total 15-49 years 26.0 (2.03) 14.1 (0.90)
15-29 years 14.6 (2.74) 11.8 (1.77)
30-39 years 27.3 (4.03) 13.2 (1.28)
40-49 years 43.3 (5.08) 15.6 (1.68)

Source: Special tabulation by NCHS



I Listing Tables
Percent (SE), Number
Percentage and number of currently married women 15-49 years of age who are infertile (i.e., who are not surgically sterile, and have had at least 12 consecutive months of unprotected sexual intercourse without becoming pregnant) 8.5 (0.65), 2.4 million

Source: Special tabulation by NCHS


Percentage of currently married women 15-49 years of age who are infertile, by parity and age:

I Listing Tables
0 births 1 or more births
Percent (SE)
Total 15-49 years 19.4 (1.92) 6.0 (0.64)
15-29 years 12.6 (3.01) 5.1 (1.16)
30-39 years 22.1 (3.33) 5.7 (0.88)
40-49 years 26.8 (4.50) 6.5 (1.13)

Source: Special tabulation by NCHS


Infertility services

I Listing Tables
Percent (SE)
Percentage of women 15-49 years of age who have ever received any infertility services 12.2 (0.59)

Source: Special tabulation by NCHS


Percentage of women 15-49 years of age who have ever received infertility services, by type of service:

I Listing Tables
Percent (SE)
Medical help to get pregnant 8.9 (0.49)
Advice 6.7 (0.40)
Tests on woman or man 5.6 (0.40)
Ovulation drugs 4.0 (0.26)
Surgery to treatment on blocked tubes 0.7 (0.12)
Artificial insemination 1.7 (0.17)
Assisted Reproductive Technology 0.5 (0.10)
Any medical help to prevent miscarriage 5.2 (0.41)

Source: Special tabulation by NCHS


Percentage of women 15-49 years of age who have ever received any infertility service, by parity and age:

I Listing Tables
0 births 1 or more births
Percent (SE)
Total 15-49 years 6.4 (0.53) 16.6 (0.87)
15-29 years 2.7 (0.40) 11.5 (1.49)
30-39 years 13.6 (1.89) 15.5 (1.13)
40-49 years 21.8 (2.89) 20.0 (1.54)

Source: Special tabulation by NCHS


Intendedness of pregnancy

Intendedness of births as reported by women

Percentage of births in the 5 years before the interview that were intended, mistimed, or unwanted at conception among women 15-49 years of age at time of interview:

I Listing Tables
2015-2017 2017-2019
Percent (SE)
Intended (i.e., pregnancy that the woman wanted to have when she became pregnant) 63.3 (1.16) 62.0 (1.04)
Mistimed (i.e., pregnancy that the woman wanted to have but it occurred too soon) 22.9 (0.68) 22.4 (0.74)
Mistimed – Less than 2 years too soon 6.8 (0.48) 7.1 (0.41)
Mistimed – 2 years or more too soon 15.7 (0.70) 15.2 (0.72)
Unwanted (i.e., pregnancy that the woman did not want ever) 13.8 (0.85) 15.7 (0.89)

Source: Special tabulation by NCHS

Intendedness of births as reported by men

Percentage of births in the 5 years before the interview that were intended, mistimed, or unwanted at conception among men 15-49 years of age at time of interview:

I Listing Tables
2015-2017 2017-2019
Percent (SE)
Intended (i.e., pregnancy that the man wanted to have when the partner became pregnant) 70.3 (2.32) 68.8 (1.16)
Mistimed (i.e., pregnancy that the man wanted to have but it occurred too soon) 18.4 (1.89) 19.0 (0.88)
Unwanted (i.e., pregnancy that the man did not want ever) 11.3 (1.60) 12.2 (0.94)

Source: Special tabulation by NCHS

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