Historical Data – Population

United States Population by Age, Race, and Sex, 1900-90, and 1991-2001

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These worktables show the population numbers used to calculate death rates shown in Vital Statistics of the United States (VSUS), the Report of Final Mortality Statistics, and worktables such as those shown on this website. This population represents persons residing in the United States. The numbers are shown in 5-year and 10-year age group panels. The race categories white and black are tabulated by sex. The populations are sourced in the Technical Appendix of VSUS.

To permit the calculation of revised race-specific vital rates for 1991-1999 (using-intercensal population estimates), the National Center for Health Statistics, in collaboration with the National Center Institute and the Census Bureau, is releasing bridged-race estimates of the U.S. resident population.

Population 1900-1990