Preliminary Mortality File

The following worktables show statistics from preliminary mortality data for the United States. Preliminary data are based on vital records for a substantial proportion of deaths occurring during the year. Statistics in preliminary mortality files are generally considered reliable; past analyses reveal that most statistics based on prelimany data were confirmed by the final statistics for each of the years. For details about the preliminary mortality file, see Deaths: Preliminary data for the same year as the table. When final data are complete and released in Deaths: Final data, tables, and tools, statistics based on final data should be used instead of those based on preliminary data.

PMWK1. Deaths and death rates for the 15 leading causes of death among decedents aged less than 75 years in 2011, and age-adjusted death rates and percent changes in age-adjusted rates from 2010 to 2011 for the 15 leading causes of death in 2011: decedents aged less than 75 years in the United States, final 2010 and preliminary 2011

PMWK2. Deaths and death rates for malignant neoplasms: decedents aged less than 75 years in the United States, preliminary 2011