National Occupational Research Agenda (NORA)


May 2005
NIOSH Docket Number 047

Starting in May 2005, the NIOSH National Occupational Research Agenda (NORA) program requested comments from stakeholders to identify important occupational safety and health issues. Suggested topic areas were: diseases, injuries, exposures, populations at risk, and needs of the occupational safety and health system. Input was also requested on the types of research and partners needed to make a difference. Comments were received through a website, by E-mail and on paper. A court reporter provided transcripts of comments received during NORA Town Hall meetings.

Approximately 800 individuals submitted information to the docket through the website and the Town Hall meetings. Comments were split into ‘unit comments’, each on one topic, and categorized.

The docket file below contains 2714 pages. It starts with an explanation of the categorical terms. A search technique is suggested to find comments of interest.

Categorized Comments [PDF – 13,075 KB]

Background Information

Notice of public meeting; 70 FR 36611; 6/24/05

Notice of public meeting; 70 FR 72638; 12/6/05

Notice of public meeting; 71 FR 121; 1/3/06

Notice of public meeting; 71 FR 7778; 2/14/06