NIOSH Pilot Study of Truck Driver Anthropometric and Workspace Dimensions


April 2006
NIOSH Docket Number 068

This meeting was hosted by NIOSH at ALOSH laboratory, 1095 Willowdale Road, Morgantown, West Virginia 26505. The meeting sought stakeholder input on the design of the “NIOSH Pilot Study of Truck Driver Anthropometry and Cab Dimensions.” The meeting also sought stakeholder input on future directions of a large scale anthropometric survey of truck drivers in the continental United States. Research protocol, public comments, and meeting agenda are available below in PDF format.

Pre-Meeting Information

NIOSH Pilot Study of; Truck Driver Anthropometric and Workspace Dimensions [PDF – 920 KB]

Notice of public meeting; Morgantown, WV; 71 FR 18103 [PDF – 143 KB]

Meeting Information

Agenda from the NIOSH public meeting held 4/27/06 [PDF – 32 KB]

Submissions from the Public in Order of Receipt

Submission to the docket from private person [PDF – 22 KB]

Submission to the docket from private person [PDF – 1,310 KB]

Comments from peer reviewer 1 [PDF – 576 KB]

Comments from peer reviewer 2 [PDF – 1,023 KB]