Positive-Pressure Closed Circuit Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus


January 2008
NIOSH Docket Number 123

The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), National Personal Protective Technology Laboratory (NPPTL), is currently reevaluating its limitations on and precaution for safe use of positive-pressure closed-circuit self-contained breathing apparatus. As stated in the Federal Register dated Monday, November 18, 1985 [50 FR 47456] NIOSH’s position on this topic is that:

Available information does not demonstrate to the satisfaction of NIOSH that positive-pressure closed-circuit self-contained breathing apparatus which use a breathing gas of pure oxygen can be used during direct exposure to open flames and/or high radiant heat and assure the wearer’s safety. Therefore, NIOSH has determined that until it has been demonstrated to the satisfaction of NIOSH that those devices can be worn under such conditions, it is prudent to presently limit the use of positive-pressure closed-circuit self-contained breathing apparatus which use pure oxygen breathing gas to mines and mining atmospheres which do not involve exposure to open flames or high radiant heat.

Information submitted to the docket will be considered in the context of development of conceptual standards, as well as updating equipment performance requirements to improve respirator user safety and health.

Materials Under Evaluation

73 FR 4578 – 01/25/08 [PDF – 786 KB]

NIST Technical Note 1484: “A computational model of dissipation of oxygen from an outward leak of a closed-circuit breathing device” – 6/1/07 [PDF – 4 9,220 KB]

Meeting held at the Sheraton Station Square Hotel, Pittsburgh, PA on August 20, 2008

Pre-meeting Information

73 FR 38225; 7/3/08 [PDF – 764 KB]

Meeting Information

Meeting agenda [PDF – 160 KB]

Attendee list [PDF – 2,150 KB]

Presentation by Jonathan Szalajda (NPPTL/NIOSH) entitled “Respirator standards development and meeting overview” [PDF – 1,000 KB]

Presentation by Tim Rehak (NPPTL/NIOSH) entitled “NIOSH 02 Prohibition for entry in high radiant heat and open flame environments while wearing oxygen devices” [PDF – 1,370 KB]

Presentation by Les Boord (NPPTL/NIOSH) entitled “NPPTL stakeholder meeting” [PDF – 980 KB]

Presentation by Jonathan Szalajda (NPPTL/NIOSH) entitled “Respirator standards development and meeting wrap-up” [PDF – 452 KB]

Posters from meeting sessions [PDF – 289 KB]

Submissions from the Public in Order of Receipt

Submission to the docket from Lambert (Environmental Support Systems) – 2/1/08 [PDF – 80 KB]

Submission to the docket from Anderson (Neutronics, Inc.) – 2/5/08 [PDF – 110 KB]

Submission to the docket from Harkness (NSWC Panama City Division) – 3/19/08 [PDF – 138 KB]

Submission to the docket from Spelce (NMC) – 3/24/08 [PDF – 396 KB]

Submission to the docket from Robert Sell (Dräger Safety, Inc.) – 7/31/08 [PDF – 723 KB]

Submission to the docket from Private person – 8/22/08 [PDF – 179 KB]

Submission to the docket from Private person – 8/24/08 [PDF – 286 KB]

Submission to the docket from Bill Moser (Coal Source) – 9/4/08 [PDF – 170 KB]

Submission to the docket from Michael Fetsko (Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority Fire & Rescue Department) – 06/17/09 [PDF – 1,268 KB]

Post-meeting Information

Meeting transcript [PDF – 21,040 KB]