Framework for Setting the NIOSH PPT Program Action Plan for Healthcare Worker Personal Protective Equipment: 2013-2018


January 2014
NIOSH Docket Number 129-A, CDC-2013-0016

ACTION PLAN UPDATE – The NIOSH PPT Program Action Plan for Healthcare Worker Personal Protective Equipment is used to prioritize and select current and future PPT Program initiatives including funding, staffing, and upgrading laboratory capabilities within current budget constraints. Based upon comments received to Docket 129-A on the framework document, Appendix 1 (Proposed Recommendations and Activities) has been revised. The detailed Action Plan (currently under development) will use these updated recommendations and activities. Our goal is to post the updated action plan to the NIOSH website in 2014.

The Notice of draft document for public comment and Background Information are provided below. To view comments submitted on the draft document visit, enter CDC-2013-0016 in the search field, then click “Search”.

Background Information

Federal Register Notice:
Federal Register Notice [PDF – 194 KB]

Appendix 1: Proposed Recommendations and Activities, Revised version, December 19, 2013 [PDF – 112 KB]

Draft document: “Framework for Setting the NIOSH PPT Program Action Plan for Healthcare Worker Personal Protective Equipment: 2013-2018” [PDF – 766 KB]

Preventing transmission of pandemic influenza and other viral respiratory diseases: personal protective equipment for healthcare workers: update 2010 [PDF – 6,052 KB]