NIOSH FY 2013-2016 Nanotechnology Strategic Plan


December 2013
NIOSH Docket Number 134-B, CDC-2013-0001

The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) sought comment on the types of hazard identification and risk management research that should be considered for updating the NIOSH FY2013-FY2016 nanotechnology strategic plan. This draft strategic plan Protecting the Nanotechnology Workforce: NIOSH Nanotechnology Research and Guidance Strategic Plan 2013-2016 can be found in Docket CDC-2013-0001.

NIOSH considered focusing the overarching strategic research goals on 5 key objectives: (1) Increase understanding of new hazards and related health risks to nanomaterial workers; (2) Expand understanding of the initial hazard findings on engineered nanomaterials; (3) Support the creation of guidance materials to inform nanomaterial workers, employers, health professionals, regulatory agencies, and decision-makers about hazards, risks, and risk management approaches; (4) Support epidemiologic studies for nanomaterial workers, including medical and exposure studies; and 5) Assess and promote national adherence with risk management guidance.

NIOSH requested public input to address the following:

  1. What is the basis or rationale for priorities that NIOSH should give for studies of toxicity evaluation and/or workplace exposure characterization for engineered nanoparticles?
  2. What rationale can be provided for recommending needs and types of technical and educational guidance materials?

To view the submissions received in response to this docket and related materials, visit and enter CDC-2013-0001 in the search field and click “Search.”

Comments were considered during the revision of the plan. The finalized strategic plan Protecting the Nanotechnology Workforce: NIOSH Nanotechnology Research and Guidance Strategic Plan 2013-2016 is now available.



Federal Register Notice: Notice of public meeting; 75 FR 4150

Notice of final guidance publication; 78FR78963; 12/27/13 [PDF – 197KB]

Draft document: Protecting the Nanotechnology Workforce [PDF – 1 KB]

Final document: Protecting the Nanotechnology Workforce: NIOSH Nanotechnology Research and Guidance Strategic Plan 2013-2016