

NIOSH Docket Number 159

Studies have indicated an association between occupational exposure to airborne gluteraldehyde and adverse health effects which include eye and upper respiratory tract irritation, sensitization, and occupational asthma. Reviewers were provided video presentations of common uses of gluteraldehyde, a highly effective sterilant of medical equipment, with narration to describe engineering controls and best work practices to limit occupational exposures to airborne gluteraldehyde. The produced DVD is intended to provide educational material to healthcare personnel in concise modules via an easily accessible format.

E-mail to peer reviewers with overview describing the document from Richard Niemeier (NIOSH); 2/6/09 [PDF – 533 KB]

Verification question to Diane Miller (Docket Office) from Peer Reviewer #1; 2/24/09 [PDF – 317 KB]

Submission to TJ Lentz (NIOSH) from Peer Reviewer #1; 2/27/09 [PDF – 426 KB]

Submission to Diane Miller (Docket Office) from Peer Reviewer #2 [PDF – 506 KB]

Submission to Diane Miller (Docket Office) from Peer Reviewer #3 [PDF – 392 KB]

Submission to Diane Miller (Docket Office) from Peer Reviewer #4 [PDF – 596 KB]

Control Guidance Sheet 401– Automated Endoscope Reprocessor (AER); 2/1/09 [PDF – 1,688 KB]

Control Guidance Sheet 403 – Manual Instrument Reprocessing; 2/1/09 [PDF – 1,699 KB]

Control Guidance Sheet 404 – Glutaraldehyde: Spill Containment and Cleanup; 2/1/09 [PDF – 1,747 KB]

Control Guidance Sheet 405 – Vapor Containment During Liquid Transfer in Equipment Processing; 2/1/09 [PDF – 1,622 KB]

Control Guidance Sheet 406 – Endoscopy Suite Architectural Design; 2/1/09 [PDF – 1,888 KB]

Control Guidance Sheet 407 – Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for use with Glutaraldehyde Exposures; 2/1/09 [PDF – 1,800 KB]