HHE Implementation Plan


NIOSH Docket Number 185

NIOSH announced the opportunity for the public to comment on the draft Health Hazard Evaluation (HHE) Program plan to implement the National Academies Program Evaluation recommendations.

The Implementation Plan includes a brief overview of the NIOSH HHE Program, including its logic model and strategic and intermediate goals, background on the National Academies review, overview of the NIOSH approach to addressing the recommendations, and a detailed response to the recommendations addressing the status of current, planned, and potential activities; resource needs; and need for partnership with stakeholders.

The HHE Program has requested that stakeholders review the Implementation Plan to ensure that it is responsive to the National Academies’ recommendations, identifies appropriate activities, and sets reasonable priorities. Additionally, suggestions for alternate activities and identification of additional partners were welcomed.

NIOSH draft document for review: “NIOSH Health Hazard Evaluation Program – Plan to implement the National Academies Program Evaluation recommendations”; 8/21/09 [PDF – 20.56 MB]

Submissions in order of Receipt

Submission to NIIOSH Docket from Jackson Stewart (Private Person); 9/11/09 [PDF – 587.07 KB]

Submission to NIOSH Docket from Dennis O’Dell (United Mine Workers of America); 9/14/09 [PDF – 1.10 MB]