2,3-Pentanedione and Other Alpha-Diketones used as Diacetyl Substitutes


March 2011
NIOSH Docket Number 189

The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) intends to evaluate the scientific data on 2,3-pentanedione (CAS # 600-14-6, also known as pentane-2,3-dione; acetyl propionyl) and other alpha-diketones and develop appropriate communication documents, such as a Current Intelligence Bulletin, Criteria Document and/or other informational products, and potentially establish a Recommended Exposure Limit (REL) for diacetyl substitutes. In this docket, NIOSH requested information including published and unpublished reports pertaining to 2,3-pentanedione, and other alpha diketones used as diacetyl substitutes.

Material Under Evaluation

Notice; 76 FR 1434; Request for information on 2,3-Pantanedione and Other Alpha-Diketones used as Diacetyl Substitutes; 1/10/11 [PDF – 2409 KB]

Submissions in order of Receipt

Submission from Debra Hahn (Private person); 2/4/11 [PDF – 356 KB]

Submission from John Hallagan (Flavor and Extract Manufacturers Association on the United States (FEMA)); 2/9/11 [PDF – 6146 KB]