Request for Nominations to Serve on the World Trade Center Health Program Scientific/Technical Advisory Committee

NIOSH Docket Number 229-L

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in accordance with provisions of the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act of 2010, (42 U.S.C. 300mm-1(a)(2)), sought nominations for membership on the World Trade Center (WTC) Health Program STAC. The STAC consists of 17 members including experts in fields associated with occupational medicine, pulmonary medicine, environmental medicine, environmental health, industrial hygiene, epidemiology, toxicology, mental health, and representatives of World Trade Center (WTC) responders as well as representatives of certified-eligible WTC survivors. The STAC reviews scientific and medical evidence and makes recommendations to the Administrator of the WTC Health Program on additional Program eligibility criteria and additional WTC-related health conditions, reviews and evaluates policies and procedures used to determine whether sufficient evidence exists to support adding a health condition to the List of WTC-Related Health Conditions, makes recommendations regarding individuals to conduct independent peer reviews of the scientific and technical evidence underlying a final rule adding a condition to the List of WTC-Related Health Conditions, and provides consultation on research regarding certain health conditions related to the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.

Nominations were being sought for individuals who have expertise and qualifications necessary to contribute to accomplishing the committee’s objectives. The Administrator of the WTC Health Program sought nominations for members fulfilling the following categories:

  • Two occupational physicians, one of whom should have experience treating WTC rescue and recovery workers;
  • Environmental medicine/environmental health professional;
  • Toxicologist;
  • Epidemiologist;
  • Representative of WTC responders; and
  • Representative of certified-eligible WTC survivors.

Members were invited to serve for four-year terms. Selection of members was based on candidates’ qualifications to contribute to the accomplishment of STAC objectives. More information on the committee is available at

Reference Documents