Manual Materials Handling (MMH) Workshop


January 2012
NIOSH Docket Number 243

The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in partnership with the University of Cincinnati, Department of Environmental Health, will be holding a two-day Manual Materials Handling (MMH) Workshop. The Workshop is a National Occupational Research Agenda (NORA) activity organized by the Wholesale and Retail Trade Sector and the Transportation, Warehouse and Utilities Sector. The MMH Workshop goal is to stimulate through roundtable discussions the wider adoption of current, effective MMH equipment for the purposes of reducing both worker fatigue from overexertion and strains/sprains, as well as improving overall efficiency. The purpose of MMH Workshop is to develop cost effective engineering solutions for manual materials handling jobs in Retail, Wholesale and Warehouse industries.

Please note: The original meeting was cancelled and is being rescheduled in 2012.

Material Under Consideration

Notice of public meeting; 76 FR 37118; 6/24/11 [PDF – 2,744 KB]