Coal Dust Explosibility Meter Evaluation and recommendations for Application


May 2012
NIOSH Docket Number 255, CDC-2012-0006

This report details the results of a NIOSH investigation on the ability of the Coal Dust Explosibility Meter (CDEM) to accurately predict the explosibility of samples of coal and rock dust mixtures collected from underground coal mines in the U.S.

To view the notice and related material visit, enter CDC-2013-0006 in the search field, then click “Search”.

Material Under Consideration

Notice of draft publication available for public comment; 77 FR 28600 [PDF – 198 KB]

Draft Preliminary Public Comment Version:
Draft Coal Dust Explosibility Meter Evaluation and Recommendations for Application [PDF – 1927 KB]

Final Document:
IC 9529 Coal Dust Explosibility Meter Evaluation and Recommendations for Application [PDF – 2376 KB]