Traumatic Injury Research and Prevention Program and Strategic Goals


September 2013
NIOSH Docket Number 264, CDC-2013-0009

The purpose of this review was to receive public comments and input on a draft document entitled “NIOSH Traumatic Injury Research and Prevention Program and Strategic Goals.” This document proposed revisions to program strategic goals last updated in 2009. The strategic goals are intended to guide NIOSH intramural and extramural research for the 5-year period, 2014-2019. NIOSH sought comments on: (1) the relevance of the draft strategic goals; (2) suggested areas where research is needed or no-longer needed; (3) the adequacy of the goals for addressing the changing workplace and emerging hazards that threaten the safety of workers; (4) the adequacy of proposed performance measures; (5) opportunities for collaboration between NIOSH scientists, extramural scientists, and state occupational public health programs; and (6) input on additional potential partners the NIOSH Traumatic Injury Program could work with to enhance future directions of the NIOSH Traumatic Injury Research and Prevention Program.

Comments received through this review will be used to revise the NIOSH Traumatic Injury Research and Prevention Program Strategic Goals. The revised goals will be available here.

To view the notice and related material visit, enter CDC-2013-0009 in the search field, then click “Search”.

Background Information

Notice of draft publication available for public comment; 78 FR 36192; 6/17/13 [PDF – 192 KB]

Traumatic Injury Research and Prevention Program and Strategic Goals [PDF – 247 KB]