Request for information about Collection and Use of Nonfatal Workplace Violence information from the National Crime Victimization Survey


December 2013
NIOSH Docket Number 269, CDC-2013-0020

The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) of the Office of Justice Programs, Department of Justice (DOJ), intend to evaluate the current classification of nonfatal workplace violence information from the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS). The purpose of this evaluation is to develop appropriate communication documents, such as a technical report, that will describe the potential improvements and enhancements to the collection of nonfatal workplace violence data through the NCVS. This is part of a larger BJS effort to re-design and increase the utility of nonfatal violence data collected through the NCVS.

NIOSH and BJS are seeking input on: 1) methods to identify work-related violence using the existing variable structure within the NCVS and 2) other suggested enhancements to improve the ability of the NCVS to describe the prevalence, patterns, and trends in workplace violence. Responses to this request for information will be considered by BJS in: 1) the re-design of the NCVS, 2) an on-line NVCS reporting tool, and 3) future BJS workplace violence reports. NIOSH and BJS also anticipate utilizing this information in a jointly issued technical report on methodological issues with identifying and reporting on nonfatal workplace violence through the NCVS.

To view the notice and related materials, visit, enter CDC-2013-0020 in the search field, and click “Search.”

Background Information

Federal Register Notice: Notice of draft publication available for public comment

The Bureau of Justice Statistics has released reports on Violence in the Workplace