NIOSH Center for Motor Vehicle Safety: Research and Guidance Strategic Plan 2014-2018


March 2014
NIOSH Docket Number 270, CDC-2013-0024

Fatality data show that across all industries, motor vehicle-related incidents are consistently the leading cause of work-related fatalities, and they are the first or second leading cause in every major industry sector. The NIOSH Center for Motor Vehicle Safety is the focal point for research and prevention activities within the Institute to reduce work-related motor vehicle crashes and resulting injuries.

The purpose of this review was to receive public comments and input on a draft document titled “NIOSH Center for Motor Vehicle Safety: Research and Guidance Strategic Plan 2014-2018.” NIOSH sought comments on: (1) the relevance of the current draft; (2) the adequacy of the plan in addressing research needs for work-related motor vehicle crashes and fatal/non-fatal injuries; (3) the adequacy of proposed performance measures; and (4) additional potential partners the NIOSH Center for Motor Vehicle Safety could engage with to enhance the relevance and capacity of the Center’s program.

Comments received through this review are being used to revise the “NIOSH Center for Motor Vehicle Safety: Research and Guidance Strategic Plan 2014-2018.” The revised final document will be available here.

To view the notice and related material visit, enter CDC-2013-0024 in the search field, then click “Search” .

Background Information

Final Document: NIOSH Center for Motor Vehicle Safety: Strategic Plan for Research and Prevention, 2014-2018

FR Notice Final: Notice of issuance of final publication – FR Notice

Federal Register Notice

Draft document – NIOSH Center for Motor Vehicle Safety: Research and Guidance Strategic Plan 2014-2018