NIOSH draft method 8324: 3-Bromopropionic acid in urine; A metabolite of 1-bromopropane


June 2014
NIOSH Docket Number 273, CDC-2014-0006

The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) intends to publish a new method in the NIOSH Manual of Analytical Methods (NMAM). This method is entitled “Method 8324: 3-Bromopropionic acid in urine; A metabolite of 1-bromopropane.”

1-Bromopropane is an industrial solvent often used as a substitute for a number of chlorofluorocarbon solvents which have been withdrawn from use because of their possible damaging effects to the ozone layer. 3-Bromopropionic acid is a human metabolite of 1-bromopropane and a proposed biomarker of exposure. An accurate and precise method was developed for the detection and quantitation of 3-bromopropionic acid in human urine. This method has been published in the literature (B’Hymer CB, Cheever KL [2004]. J Chromatogr B 802:361-366). The method has been further validated by a second laboratory and is proposed for inclusion in NMAM’s 5th Edition.

NIOSH did not receive any submissions to this request.

To view the notice and related materials, visit and enter CDC-2014-0006 in the search field and click “Search.”

Background Information

Federal Register Notice: Federal Register Notice

Draft method and its associated backup data report, including data from the second laboratory validation

NMAM Report