NIOSH Current Intelligence Bulletin: Promoting Health and Preventing Disease and Injury through Workplace Tobacco Policies


September 2014
NIOSH Docket Number 274, CDC-2014-0013

NIOSH has prepared a current draft CIB: Promoting Health and Preventing Disease and Injury through Workplace Tobacco Policies for anticipated dissemination during the 50th anniversary year of the Surgeon General’s first report on the health consequences of smoking published in 1964. The draft CIB reflects a “strategy integrating occupational safety and health protection with health promotion to prevent worker injury and illness and to advance health and well-being”, embodied by NIOSH in a recently launched Total Worker Health™(TWH™).

To view the notice and related material visit, enter CDC-2014-0013 in the search field, then click “Search” .

Background Information

Final Document: Current Intelligence Bulletin 67: Promoting Health and Preventing Disease and Injury Through Workplace Tobacco Policies [PDF – 1.83 MB]

Draft: Promoting Health and Preventing Disease and Injury through Workplace Tobacco Policies

Federal Register Notice