Law Enforcement Officer Motor Vehicle Crash and Struck by Fatality Investigations; Notice of public meeting; Request for comments

January 2018
NIOSH Docket Number 303, CDC-2018-0005

The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) solicited stakeholder input on the NIOSH Law Enforcement Officer Motor Vehicle Crash and Struck-by Fatality Investigations project, a pilot project implemented in partnership with the National Institute of Justice.

During a public meeting held in February 2018, NIOSH and the National Institute of Justice presented findings from the pilot study to law enforcement stakeholders and comments on the utility and feasibility of the project.

Docket Number 303 is a collection of documents describing the project and comments received from stakeholders.

To view the notice and related materials, visit and enter CDC-2018-0005 in the search field and click “Search”.

Reference Documents