This listing of resources offers current publications and other resources on respirable crystalline silica monitoring and control in metal and nonmetal mines.
![Water spray for dust control Water sprays for dust control](/niosh/media/images/2024/10/Dust-control-water-spray-thumbnail.jpg)
- Colinet JF, Mischler SE [2022]. Effectiveness of the CPDM in Reducing Overexposures to Coal Mine Dust. Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration (2022) 39:283–290
- Wolfe, C., et al., Monitoring Worker Exposure to Respirable Crystalline Silica: Application for Data-driven Predictive Modeling for End-of-Shift Exposure Assessment. Annals of Work Exposures and Health, 2022.
- Cauda, E., et al., Benefits and limitations of field-based monitoring approaches for respirable dust and crystalline silica applied in a sandstone quarry. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, 2022: p. 1-12.
- Walker, R.L.T., et al., Complexity of respirable dust found in mining operations as characterized by x-ray diffraction and FTIR analysis. Minerals, 2021. 11(4).
- Chubb, L.G. and E.G. Cauda, A novel sampling cassette for field-based analysis of respirable crystalline silica. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, 2021. 18(3): p. 103-109.
- Chubb, L. and E. Cauda, Direct-on-filter Analysis for Respirable Crystalline Silica Using a Portable FTIR Instrument, NIOSH, Editor. 2021, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health.
- Patts, J., A. Cecala, and E. Haas, Helmet-CAM: strategically minimizing exposures to respirable dust through video exposure monitoring. Mining, metallurgy & exploration, 2020. 37(2): p. 727-732.
- Patts J and Cauda E, Addressing Silica: Using Real-Time Respirable Dust Monitors to Address the Silica Health Hazard in Mining. Rock Products, 2020(July 2020): p. 101-103.
- Pampena, J., et al., Use of the field-based silica monitoring technique in a coal mine: a case study. Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration, 2020. 37: p. 717-726.
- Ashley, E.L., et al., Performance Comparison of Four Portable FTIR Instruments for Direct-on-Filter Measurement of Respirable Crystalline Silica. Annals of Work Exposures and Health, 2020. 64(5): p. 536-546.
- Patts, J.R., et al., Performance Comparison of Real-Time Light Scattering Dust Monitors Across Dust Types and Humidity Levels. Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration, 2019. 36(4): p. 741-749.
- Mischler, S.E., et al., Testing a revised inlet for the personal dust monitor. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, 2019. 16(3): p. 242-249.
- Cauda Emanuele, et al., Demonstrating the use of advanced dust and silica monitoring techniques in a sandstone quarry: a case study. Stone, Sand & Gravel review, 2019.
- Lee, T., et al., Laboratory comparison of new high flow rate respirable size-selective sampler. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, 2018. 15(10): p. 755-765.
- Cauda Emanuele and Chubb Lauren, The future of respirable silica monitoring – accurate results generated on site in few minutes. Stone, Sand & Gravel review, 2017. September/October.
- Cauda, E., A. Miller, and P. Drake, Promoting early exposure monitoring for respirable crystalline silica: taking the laboratory to the mine site. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, 2016. 13(3): p. D39–D45.
- Cauda, E., L. Chubb, and A. Miller, What if you could know the silica dust levels in a coal mine after every shift? Coal Age, 2016. 121(1): p. 31-33.
- Barone, T.L., et al., Sampling and analysis method for measuring airborne coal dust mass in mixtures with limestone (rock) dust. J Occup Environ Hyg, 2016. 13(4): p. 284-92.
- Cecala, A., A. Azman, and K. Bailey, Assessing noise and dust: NIOSH and Vulcan Materials Co. team up to test how well Helmet-CAM technology measures miner exposure levels. Aggregates Manager, 2015: p. 33-37.
- NIOSH, Guidelines for performing a Helmet-CAM respirable dust survey and conducting subsequent analysis with the enhanced video analysis of dust exposures (EVADE) software, NIOSH, Editor. 2014, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health.
- Miller, A.L., et al., Deposition Uniformity of Coal Dust on Filters and Its Effect on the Accuracy of FTIR Analyses for Silica. Aerosol Science and Technology, 2013. 47(7): p. 724-733.
- Cecala, A., et al., Helmet-CAM: tool for assessing miners' respirable dust exposure. Mining Engineering, 2013. 65(9): p. 78-84.
- Cauda, E., et al., Analysis of the silica percent in airborne respirable mine dust samples from U.S. operations, in ASTM STP1565 on Symposium on Silica and Associated Respirable Mineral Particles. 2013.
- Tuchman, D.P., J.C. Volkwein, and R.P. Vinson, Implementing infrared determination of quartz particulates on novel filters for a prototype dust monitor. Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 2008. 10(5): p. 671-678.
- Page, S.J., et al., Equivalency of a personal dust monitor to the current United States coal mine respirable dust sampler. Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 2008. 10(1): p. 96-101.
- Page, S.J., D.P. Tuchman, and R.P. Vinson, Thermally induced filter bias in TEOM mass measurement. Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 2007. 9(7): p. 760-767.
- Volkwein, J.C., et al., Laboratory and Field Performance of a Continuously Measuring Personal Respirable Dust Monitor, NIOSH, Editor. 2006, US Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health.
- Volkwein, J.C., et al., Performance of a New Personal Respirable Dust Monitor for Mine Use, NIOSH, Editor. 2004, US Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health.
Control in Coal Mines
- Reed, W., et al., A Second Case Study of Field Test Results for Comparison of Roof Bolter Dry Collection System with Wet Collection System. Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration, 2022. 39(3): p. 993-1006.
- Klima, S., et al., A laboratory investigation of underside shield sprays to improve dust control of Longwall Water Spray Systems. Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration, 2021. 38: p. 593-602.
- Colinet JF, Halldin CN, and Schall J, Best Practices for Dust Control in Coal Mining, Second Edition, NIOSH, Editor. 2021, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, DHHS (NIOSH).
- Klima, S.S., J.A. Organiscak, and J.F. Colinet. Reducing shuttle car operator dust exposure by improving continuous miner blowing face ventilation parameters. in 2019 SME Annual Conference and Expo and CMA 121st National Western Mining Conference. 2019.
- Reed, W., et al., Development of a roof bolter canopy air curtain for respirable dust control. Mining engineering, 2017. 69(1): p. 33.
- Organiscak, J., et al., Examination of a newly developed mobile dry scrubber (DS) for coal mine dust control applications. Transactions of Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration, 2016. 340: p. 38–47.
- Rider JP and Joy GJ, Evaluating tailgate spray manifolds to reduce dust exposures for shearer face personnel. Mining Engineering, 2015. 340: p. 53-60.
- Janisko, S.J., et al. Field evaluation of an inline wet scrubber for reducing float coal dust on a continuous miner section. in 2015 SME Annual Conference and Expo and CMA 117th National Western Mining Conference - Mining: Navigating the Global Waters, February 15, 2015 - February 18, 2015. 2015. Denver, CO, United states: Society for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration.
- Beck, T., Evaluations of bit sleeve and twisted-body bit designs for controlling roof bolter dust. Mining engineering, 2015. 67(2): p. 34.
- Listak, J. and T. Beck, Development of a canopy air curtain to reduce roof bolters' dust exposure. Mining Engineering, 2012. 64(7): p. 72-79.
- Organiscak, J. and T. Beck, Continuous miner spray considerations for optimizing scrubber performance in exhaust ventilation systems. Mining Engineering, 2010. 62(10): p. 41-46.
- Joy, G., T. Beck, and J. Listak. Respirable quartz hazards associated with coal mine roof bolter dust. in Proceedings of the 13th US/North American Mine Ventilation Symposium. 2010.
- Listak, J. and T. Beck. Laboratory and field evaluation of dust collector bags for reducing dust exposure of roof bolter operators. in Society for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration - SME Annual Meeting and Exhibit 2008: "New Horizons - New Challenges". 2008.
- Goodman, G. and J. Organiscak. An evaluation of methods for controlling silica dust exposures on roof bolters. 2002.
Control in Metal/Nonmetal Mines
- Cecala, A.B., et al. Forty years of NIOSH/USBM-developed control technology to reduce respirable dust exposure to miners in industrial minerals processing operations. in 2020 SME Annual Conference and Expo. 2020.
- Cecala, A.B., et al., Dust control handbook for industrial minerals mining and processing, NIOSH, Editor. 2019, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health: Pittsburgh, PA.
- Patts, J., et al., Improving protection against respirable dust at an underground crusher booth. Mining Engineering, 2018. 70(11): p. 52.
- Organiscak, J.A., A.B. Cecala, and R.M. Hall, Design, testing, and modeling of environmental enclosures for controlling worker exposure to airborne contaminants, NIOSH, Editor. 2018, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health.
- Colinet, J.F., A.B. Cecala, and J.R. Patts, Dust Suppression Hopper: Reduces dust liberation during bulk loading: Two case studies. Mining Engineering, 2018. 70(9): p. 41-46.
- Patts J., Cecala A., Rider J., Organiscak J. Improving Protection Against Respirable Dust at an Underground Crusher Booth. Mining Engineering, 2018. 70(11):48-52.
- Organiscak, J.A., et al., Air cleaning performance of a new environmentally controlled primary crusher operator booth. Mining Engineering, 2016. 68(2): p. 31-37.
- Cecala, A.B., et al., Comparison of MERV 16 and HEPA filters for cab filtration of underground mining equipment. Mining Engineering, 2016. 68(8): p. 50-56.
- Noll, J., A. Cecala, and J. Hummer, Instituting a filtration/pressurization system to reduce dust concentrations in a control room at a mineral processing plant. Mining Engineering, 2015. 67(12): p. 42-48.
- Noll, J.D., et al., Effects of MERV 16 filters and routine work practices on enclosed cabs for reducing respirable dust and DPM exposures in an underground limestone mine. Mining engineering, 2014. 66(2): p. 45-52.
- Organiscak, J.A., A.B. Cecala, and J.D. Noll, Field assessment of enclosed cab filtration system performance using particle counting measurements. Journal of occupational and environmental hygiene, 2013. 10(9): p. 468-477.
- Organiscak, J.A. and M. Schmitz, A new leak test method for enclosed cab filtration systems, NIOSH, Editor. 2012, US Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health.
- Organiscak JA and Cecala AB, Doing the math: the effectiveness of enclosed-cab air-cleaning methods can be spelled out in mathematical equations. Rock Products, 2009. 112(10): p. 20-22.
- Cecala Andrew, et al., Closing the Door to Dust when Adding Drill Steels - Uni-Directional Cab Filtration and Pressurization System Tested. Rock Products, 2007.
- Cecala, A.B., et al., Reducing respirable dust exposure of workers using an improved clothes cleaning process. The International Journal of Mineral Resources Engineering, 2007. 12(2): p. 73-94.
- Cecala AB, Organiscak JA, and Heitbrink WA, Dust underfoot–enclosed cab floor heaters can significantly increase operator's respirable dust exposure. Rock Products., 2001. 104: p. 39-44.
- Cecala A, Timko R, and Prokop A, Bag and belt cleaner reduces employee dust exposure. Rock Products, 1997: p. 41-43.
- Cecala, A.B., J. Harrison Daniel, and E.D. Thimons, Methods to lower dust exposures at mineral processing operations. Applied Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, 1996. 11(7): p. 854.
- Cecala, A.B., E.D. Thimons, and G.W. Klinowski, Reducing respirable dust concentrations at mineral-processing facilities using total mill ventilation system. Mining Engineering, 1995. 47(6): p. 575-576.