NIOSH Respiratory Protective Device Information

Subject: Effective Immediately: Voluntary Rescission of 24 E.D. Bullard Company Respirator Approvals

NIOSH CA 2023-1057
April 2023


The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) has honored a request by E.D. Bullard Company to voluntarily rescind 24 NIOSH respirator approvals issued to E.D. Bullard Company.

As of April 21, 2023, any respirator marked with a NIOSH approval label with the below approval numbers are no longer NIOSH approved. The NIOSH Certified Equipment List no longer includes these approval numbers:

NIOSH approval label with the below approval numbers are no longer NIOSH approved
19C-0540 19C-0549 19C-0559 19C-0567
19C-0541 19C-0550 19C-0560 19C-0568
19C-0542 19C-0553 19C-0561 19C-0571
19C-0543 19C-0554 19C-0562 19C-0572
19C-0547 19C-0555 19C-0565 19C-0573
19C-0548 19C-0556 19C-0566 19C-0574

Due to the voluntary rescission of this NIOSH approval, respirators bearing these NIOSH approval numbers may no longer be used, manufactured, assembled, sold, or distributed.

Please reach out to E.D. Bullard Company. for additional details related to their decision to voluntarily rescind the approvals issued to E.D. Bullard Company identified in this notice. The Certified Equipment List can be used to locate other NIOSH Approved® respirators.

NIOSH Approved® is a certification mark of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) registered in the United States and several international jurisdictions