Respirator Certification Fees Schedules

Respirator Certification Fee Schedule A—Annual (Fixed) Fees

[Implemented on May 26, 2015]

Respirator Certification Fee Schedule A—Annual (Fixed) Fees
Fee type Legal citation Amount Due date
Maintenance of Product Performance (product audit) 42 CFR 84.20(b)(5)
    • Annual fee: $761 per each approval holder
  • Variable fee: As billed by NIOSH based on the respirators chosen to be tested each year.
  • Upon billing from NIOSH.1
  • October.
Records Maintenance 42 CFR 84.20(b)(1) $50 for all listed2 approvals on file with NIOSH on July 1st of each year.
  • Upon billing from NIOSH.1
  • October (beginning in 2015).
Quality Assurance Maintenance (site audit) 42 CFR 84.20(b)(4)
  • Annual fee: $3,000 per every manufacturing site registered with NIOSH.
  • Variable fee:3
    • 1 day domestic audit—$2,500 per site
    • 2 day domestic audit—$5,000 per site
    • 1 day international audit—$7,500 per site
    • 2 day international audit—$10,000 per site
  • Upon billing from NIOSH.1
  • October (beginning in 2015).
Maintenance of Testing and Approval Facilities 42 CFR 84.20(b)(2) $34 per every listed2 approval on file with NIOSH on July 1st of each applicable year.
  • Upon billing from NIOSH.1
  • October (beginning in 2015).
Maintenance of Test Equipment 42 CFR 84.20(b)(2) $36 per every active4 approval on file with NIOSH on July 1st of each applicable year.
  • Upon billing from NIOSH.1
  • October (beginning in 2015).
1 For the first year that annual fees are in effect, NIOSH will provide manufacturers with a pre-invoice/advanced billing/invoice preview no later than July 1, 2015. The actual invoice will be sent in September 2015.
2 ‘‘Listed’’ approvals include all active and obsolete approvals. The Certified Equipment List (CEL) reflects the current listed approvals maintained by NIOSH. See
3 Applies to design as well as manufacturing sites.
4 Does not include obsolete approvals.

Respirator Certification Fee Schedule B—Application-Based Fees

[Implemented on May 26, 2015]

Respirator Certification Fee Schedule B—Application-Based Fees
Fee type Legal citation Amount Due date
Application 42 CFR 84.20(b)(1) $200 per application submitted. Upon receipt of any application request.
Approval 42 CFR 84.20(b)(1) $100 per each certificate of approval issued. Upon completion of the application and granting of an approval number.
Approval Modification 42 CFR 84.20(b)(1) $50 per each certificate of approval modified. Upon completion of the application and issuing a modified approval.
Site Qualification 42 CFR 84.20(b)(3)
  • Existing approval holder, paper review:
    $400 per each request to inspect new production facility.
  • Non-approval holders:
    • Domestic site visit—$2,500
    • International site visit—$7,500
Upon agreement on the date of the site qualification examination.

Testing Fees

Testing Fees
Descriptor: For testing respirators.
Amount: See below.
Basis: Per each test.
Due date: Upon initiation of testing.

Air-Purifying Respirators

Air-Purifying Respirators
Standard Test Procedure Fee ($)
TEB–APR–STP–0001 Determination of particulate filter penetration (PAPR) 150
RCT–APR–STP–0003—Determination of exhalation resistance 150
TEB–APR–STP–0004—Determination of exhalation valve leakage 300
TEB–APR–STP–0005—Determination of qualitative isoamyl acetate (IAA) facepiece fit test 1,800
EB–APR–STP–0005A—Determination of qualitative isoamyl acetate (IAA) facepiece fit test 1,800
TEB–APR–STP–0006—Determination of qualitative isoamyl acetate (IAA) facepiece fit test 1,800
TEB–APR–STP–0007—Determination of inhalation resistance 150
RCT–APR–STP–0012—Determination of airflow for powered air-purifying respirators 150
RCT–APR–STP–0014—Determination of leakage of drinking tube and accessories for respirator facepieces 300
RCT–APR–STP–0025—Determination of silica dust loading test for powered air-purifying respirator filters 1,200
RCT–APR–STP–0030—Determination of noise level test, powered air-purifying respirator with hoods or helmets 450
TEB–APR–STP–0033A—Determination of ammonia service life test, air-purifying respirators with cartridges 750
TEB–APR–STP–0033B—Determination of ammonia service life test, air-purifying respirators with canisters 750
TEB–APR–STP–0033C—Determination of ammonia service life test, powered air-purifying respirators with cartridges 750
TEB–APR–STP–0033D—Determination of ammonia service life test, tight-fitting powered air-purifying respirators with gas mask canister(s) 750
CT–APR–STP–0034—Carbon monoxide service life 750
RCT–APR–STP–0035—Determination of chlorine service life 750
RCT–APR–STP–0036—Determination of chlorine dioxide service life 750
RCT–APR–STP–0037—Determination of a-chloroacetophenone (CN) service life 2,400
RCT–APR–STP–0038—Determination of ethylene oxide service life 450
TEB–APR–STP–0039A—Determination of formaldehyde service life test, air-purifying respirators with cartridges 750
TEB–APR–STP–0039B—Determination of formaldehyde service life test, air-purifying respirators with canisters 750
TEB–APR–STP–0039C—Determination of formaldehyde service life test, powered air-purifying respirators with cartridges 750
RCT–APR–STP–0040—Determination of hydrogen chloride service life 500
RCT–APR–STP–0041—Determination of hydrogen cyanide service life 1,800
RCT–APR–STP–0042—Determination of hydrogen fluoride service life 750
TEB–APR–STP–0043A—Determination of hydrogen sulfide service life test, air-purifying respirators with cartridges 750
TEB–APR–STP–0043B—Determination of hydrogen sulfide service life test, air-purifying respirators with canisters 750
TEB–APR–STP–0043C—Determination of hydrogen sulfide service life test, powered air-purifying respirators with cartridges 750
RCT–APR–STP–0044—Determination of mercury vapor service life 2,400
TEB–APR–STP–0045A—Determination of methylamine service life test, air-purifying respirators with cartridges 450
TEB–APR–STP–0045B—Determination of methylamine service life test, air-purifying respirators with canisters 450
TEB–APR–STP–0045C—Determination of methylamine service life test, powered air-purifying respirators with cartridges 450
TEB–APR–STP–0045D—Determination of methylamine service life test, tight-fitting powered air-purifying respirators with gas mask canister(s) 450
TEB–APR–STP–0046A—Determination of organic vapor (carbon tetrachloride) service life test, air-purifying respirators with cartridges 450
TEB–APR–STP–0046B—Determination of organic vapor (carbon tetrachloride) service life test, air-purifying respirators with cartridges 450
TEB–APR–STP–0046C—Determination of organic vapor (carbon tetrachloride) service life test, powered air-purifying respirators with cartridges 450
TEB–APR–STP–0046D—Determination of organic vapor (carbon tetrachloride) service life test, tight-fitting powered air-purifying respirators with gas mask canister(s) 450
RCT–APR–STP–0047—Determination of phosphine service life 750
TEB–APR–STP–0048A—Determination of sulfur dioxide service life test, air-purifying respirators with cartridges 450
EB–APR–STP–0048B—Determination of sulfur dioxide service life test, air-purifying respirators with canisters 450
TEB–APR–STP–0048C—Determination of sulfur dioxide service life test, powered air-purifying respirators with cartridges 450
TEB–APR–STP–0048D—Determination of sulfur dioxide service life test, tight-fitting powered air-purifying respirators with gas mask canisters 450
RCT–APR–STP–0050—Determination of O-chlorobenzylidene malononitrile (CS) service life 2,400
TEB–APR–STP–0051—Determination of particulate filter efficiency level for P100 series filters against liquid particulates for non-powered, air-purifying respirators 1,200
EB–APR–STP–0052—Determination of particulate filter efficiency level for P99 series filters against liquid particulates for non-powered, air-purifying respirators 1,200
TEB–APR–STP–0053—Determination of particulate filter efficiency level for P95 series filters against liquid particulates for non-powered, air-purifying respirators 1,200
TEB–APR–STP–0054—Determination of particulate filter efficiency level for R100 series filters against liquid particulates for non-powered, air-purifying respirators 1,200
TEB–APR–STP–0055—Determination of particulate filter efficiency level for R99 series filters against liquid particulates for non-powered, air-purifying respirators 1,200
TEB–APR–STP–0056—Determination of particulate filter efficiency level for R95 series filters against liquid particulates for non-powered, air-purifying respirators 1,200
TEB–APR–STP–0057—Determination of particulate filter efficiency level for N100 series filters against solid particulates for non-powered, air-purifying respirators 1,200
TEB–APR–STP–0058—Determination of particulate filter efficiency level for N99 series filters against solid particulates for non-powered, air-purifying respirators 1,200
TEB–APR–STP–0059—Determination of particulate filter efficiency level for N95 series filters against solid particulates for non-powered, air-purifying respirators 1,200
CT–APR–STP–0060—Determination of end-of-service life indicator drop 300
RCT–APR–STP–0061—Determination of end-of-service life indicator visibility 300
RCT–APR–STP–0062—Determination of nitrogen dioxide service life 750
RCT–APR–STP–0063—Determination of facepiece carbon dioxide and oxygen concentration levels—tight fitting, powered air- purifying respirators, with the blower unit running 300
RCT–APR–STP–0064—Determination of facepiece carbon dioxide and oxygen concentration levels, tight fitting, powered air-purifying respirators, with the blower unit off 300
RCT–APR–STP–0065—Determination of air flow resistance, breath responsive, powered air-purifying respirators 300
RCT–APR–STP–0066—Determination of end-of-service life indicator (ESLI) 300
RCT–APR–STP–0067—Particulate respirator qualitative fit test utilizing saccharin or bitrex solutions 1800

Air-Supplied Respirators

Air-Supplied Respirators
Standard Test Procedure Fee ($)
RCT–ASR–STP–0100—Determination of strength of hoses and couplings, type C and CE supplied-air respirators 150
RCT–ASR–STP–0101—Determination of tightness of hoses and couplings, type C and CE supplied-air respirators 150
RCT–ASR–STP–0102—Determination of nonkinkability of hoses, type C and CE supplied-air respirators 150
RCT–ASR–STP–0103—Determination of gasoline permeation of hoses and couplings, type C and CE supplied-air respirators 450
RCT–ASR–STP–0104—Determination of air-regulating valve 100,000 cycles performance, demand and pressure-demand type C and CE supplied-air respirators 3,000
RCT–ASR–STP–0105—Determination of airflow, continuous flow type C and CE supplied-air respirators 300
RCT–ASR–STP–0105A—Determination of airflow, demand and pressure-demand type C and CE supplied-air respirators 300
RCT–ASR–STP–0106—Determination of inhalation airflow resistance, pressure-demand type C and CE supplied-air respirators 150
RCT–ASR–STP–0107—Determination of exhalation airflow resistance, pressure-demand type C and CE supplied-air respirators 150
RCT–ASR–STP–0108—Determination of inhalation airflow resistance, demand type C and CE supplied-air respirators 150
RCT–ASR–STP–0109—Determination of exhalation airflow resistance, demand type C and CE supplied-air respirators 150
RCT–ASR–STP–0110—Determination of gas-tightness test, isoamyl acetate (IAA), type C and CE supplied-air respirators 450
RCT–ASR–STP–0111—Determination of air velocity and noise levels—sound level, type C and CE supplied-air respirators 450
RCT–ASR–STP–0112—Determination of the level of protection provided by abrasive blast, type CE supplied-air respirators using a challenge aerosol of NaCl (sodium chloride) or corn oil 450
RCT–ASR–STP–0113—Determination of airflow resistance—continuous-flow, type C and CE supplied-air respirators 150
RCT–ASR–STP–0114—Determination of sound-level measurement—escape, open-circuit self-contained breathing apparatus using hoods or helmets 450
RCT–ASR–STP–0115—Determination of rated service time—constant-flow, escape, open-circuit self-contained breathing apparatus 150
RCT–ASR–STP–0116—Determination of airflow resistance—continuous-flow, escape, open-circuit self-contained breathing apparatus with hoods 150
RCT–ASR–STP–0117—Determination of positive pressure—closed-circuit, pressure-demand, self-contained breathing apparatus 150
RCT–ASR–STP–0118—Determination of low temperature operation—minimum temperature per applicant, open-circuit self-contained breathing apparatus 1,200
RCT–ASR–STP–0119—Determination of low-temperature operation—minimum temperature per applicant, combination open-circuit self-contained breathing apparatus and type C and CE supplied-air respirators 1,200
RCT–ASR–STP–0120—Determination of positive pressure—open-circuit, pressure-demand self-contained breathing apparatus 75
RCT–ASR–STP–0121—Determination of rated service time—open-circuit, demand and pressure-demand, self-contained breathing apparatus 75
RCT–ASR–STP–0121A—Determination of rated service time—closed-circuit, demand and pressure-demand, self-contained breathing apparatus 75
RCT–ASR–STP–0122—Determination of exhalation breathing resistance—open-circuit, demand and pressure-demand, self-contained breathing apparatus 150
RCT–ASR–STP–0123—Determination of gas flow measurements—open-circuit, demand and pressure-demand, self-contained breathing apparatus 150
RCT–ASR–STP–0124—Determination of remaining service life indicator—open-circuit, demand and pressure-demand, self-contained breathing apparatus 150
RCT–ASR–STP–0124A—Determination of alarm pressure—closed-circuit, demand and pressure-demand, self-contained breathing apparatus 150
RCT–ASR–STP–0125—Determination of gas tightness—isoamyl acetate (IAA)—self-contained breathing apparatus with facepieces and mouthpieces 750
RCT–ASR–STP–0125A—Determination of gas tightness—isoamyl acetate (IAA)—self-contained breathing apparatus with hoods or helmets 750
CT–ASR–STP–0126—Determination of by-pass valve flow—open-circuit, demand and pressure-demand, self-contained breathing apparatus 150
RCT–ASR–STP–0127—Determination of by-pass valve flow—closed-circuit, demand and pressure-demand, self-contained breathing apparatus 150
RCT–ASR–STP–0128—Determination of accuracy of gauge—self-contained breathing apparatus 150
RCT–ASR–STP–0132—Determination of inhalation breathing resistance—open-circuit, demand, self-contained breathing apparatus 150
RCT–ASR–STP–0133—Determination of exhalation breathing resistance—open-circuit, pressure-demand, self-contained breathing apparatus using two second stage regulators 150
RCT–ASR–STP–0134—Determination of gasoline permeation test on breathing bags—closed-circuit, self-contained breathing apparatus 750
RCT–ASR–STP–0135—Determination of inhalation and exhalation breathing resistance—closed-circuit, demand and pressure-demand, self-contained breathing apparatus 150
RCT–ASR–STP–0136—Determination of demand gas flow—closed-circuit, demand and pressure-demand, self-contained breathing apparatus 150
RCT–ASR–STP–0137—Determination of continuous gas flow on constant flow with demand flow—closed-circuit, self-contained breathing apparatus 450
RCT–ASR–STP–0138—Determination of safety relief valve operation—closed-circuit, demand and pressure-demand, self-contained breathing apparatus 150
RCT–ASR–STP–0139—Determination of facepiece carbon dioxide concentrations—self-contained breathing apparatus 450
RCT–ASR–STP–0140—Man tests—self-contained breathing apparatus 3,000
RCT–ASR–STP–0141—Man test number 5—closed-circuit, self-contained breathing apparatus 150
RCT–ASR–STP–0142—Determination of vibration (Ro-Tap test) for man test number 1—escape, closed-circuit, demand, self-contained breathing apparatus 750
RCT–ASR–STP–0143—Determination of low-temperature operation—minimum per manufacturer—closed-circuit, self-contained breathing apparatus 1,200
RCT–ASR–STP–0144—Determination of continuous gas flow on constant flow—closed-circuit, self-contained breathing apparatus 300
RCT–ASR–STP–0145—Determination of sound level measurements for remaining service life indicators—self-contained breathing apparatus 750
RCT–ASR–STP–0146—Determination of diaphragm over-pressurization—open-circuit, self-contained breathing apparatus with belt mounted regulators and breathing tubes 300
RCT–ASR–STP–0147—Determination of mode transfer test—combination, open-circuit self-contained breathing apparatus and supplied-air respirators (SCBA/SAR) 150
RCT–ASR–STP–0148—Determination of remote gauge leak-flow test—open-circuit, demand and pressure-demand, self-contained breathing apparatus 150
RCT–ASR–STP–0148A—Determination of remote gauge leak-flow test—closed-circuit, demand and pressure-demand, self-contained breathing apparatus 150
RCT–ASR–STP–0155—Man test number 6—self-contained breathing apparatus using liquefied gas 2,400

Chemical, Biological, Radiologic, Nuclear (CBRN) Air-Purifying and Air-Supplied Respirators

Chemical, Biological, Radiologic, Nuclear (CBRN) Air-Purifying and Air-Supplied Respirators
Standard Test Procedure Fee ($)
NIOSH/NPPTL administrative support for all CBRN projects 1,300
#RCT–CBRN–STP–0200, 0201—Determination of open-circuit self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) performance during dynamic testing against chemical agents of sarin (GB) vapor and distilled sulfur mustard (HD) vapor and liquid—GB live agent testing 6,000
#RCT–CBRN–STP–0200, 0201—Determination of open-circuit self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) performance during dynamic testing against chemical agents sarin (GB) vapor and of distilled sulfur mustard (HD) vapor and liquid—HD live agent testing 6,000
#RCT–CBRN–STP–0200, 0201—aerosol process TDA–99M only 600
CET–APRS–STP–CBRN–0301—Determination of CBRN organic vapor (cyclohexane) service life test 1,000
CET–APRS–STP–CBRN–0302—Determination of CBRN acid gases (cyanogen chloride) service life test 2,400
CET–APRS–STP–CBRN–0303—Determination of CBRN acid gases (hydrogen cyanide) service life test 2,400
CET–APRS–STP–CBRN–0304—Determination of CBRN acid gases (phosgene) service life test 1,400
CET–APS–STP–CBRN–0305—Determination of CBRN acid gases (hydrogen sulfide) service life test 800
CET–APRS–STP–CBRN–0306—Determination of CBRN acid gases (sulfur dioxide) service life test 800
CET–APRS–STP–CBRN–0307—Determination of CBRN acid gases (ammonia) service life test 1,000
CET–APRS–STP–CBRN–0308—Determination of CBRN nitrogen oxide gases (nitrogen dioxide) service life test 1,200
CET–APRS–STP–CBRN–0309—Determination of CBRN hydride gases (phosphine) service life test 1,000
CET–APRS–STP–CBRN–0310—Determination of CBRN formaldehyde service life test, air-purifying respirators 1,000
CET–APRS–STP–CBRN–0311—Laboratory durability conditioning process for environmental, transportation and rough handling use conditions on chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) respiratory protective devices (RPD) standard conditioning procedure (SCP)—US Army Research Development and Engineering Command (RDECOM) environmental conditioning 20,000
CET–APRS–STP–CBRN–0311—NPPTL environmental conditioning 16,000
CET–APRS–STP–CBRN–0311—RDECOM modified environmental conditioning—minus 125 canisters 16,000
CET–APRS–STP–CBRN–0311—NPPTL modified environmental conditioning—minus 125 canisters 8,000
CET–APRS–STP–CBRN–0312—Determination of field of view for full facepiece chemical biological radiological nuclear (CBRN) respiratory protective devices (RPD) 1,000
TEB–CBRN–APR–STP–0313—Determination of communication performance test for speech conveyance and intelligibility of chemical biological radiological and nuclear (CBRN) full-facepiece air-purifying respirator 5,000
CET–APRS–STP–CBRN–0314—Determination of lens fogging on full facepiece chemical biological radiological nuclear (CBRN) air-purifying respirator 3,000
CET–APRS–STP–CBRN–0316—Determination of haze, luminous-transmittance, and abrasion-resistance properties of the primary lens system material for full-facepiece respiratory protective devices (RPD) 2,000
#RCT–CBRN–APR–STP–0350—Determination of full facepiece, tight-fitting, negative-pressure, air-purifying respirator (APR) performance during dynamic testing against the chemical agent vapor sarin (GB)—qualifier live agent testing (QLAT) only 7,000
#RCT–CBRN–APR–STP–0350—remainder live agent testing (RLAT) 6,000
#RCT–CBRN–APR–STP–0351—Determination of full-facepiece, tight-fitting, negative-pressure, air-purifying respirator (APR) performance during dynamic testing against chemical agent distilled sulfur mustard (HD) vapor and liquid CBRN—qualifier live agent testing (QLAT) only 7,000
#RCT–CBRN–APR–STP–0351—remainder live agent testing (RLAT) 6,000
#RCT–CBRN–APR–STP–0350 and RCT–CBRN–APR–STP–0351—aerosol process TDA–99M 600
TEB–CBRN–APR–STP–0352—Determination of laboratory respirator protection level (LRPL) values for CBRN self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) facepieces or CBRN air-purifying respirator (APR)—LRPL 20,000
TEB–CBRN–APR–STP–0352—partial laboratory respirator protection level (LRPL) (in cases where failure occurs with less than 50% of subjects tested) 16,000
*TEB–CBRN–APR–STP–0353—Weight and diameter 200
CET–APRS–STP–CBRN–0401—Determination of CBRN organic vapor (cyclohexane) service life test, air-purifying escape respirators 1,000
CET–APRS–STP–CBRN–0402—Determination of CBRN acid gases (cyanogen chloride) service life test, air-purifying escape respirators 2,400
CET–APRS–STP–CBRN–0403—Determination of CBRN acid gases (hydrogen cyanide) service life test, air-purifying escape respirators 2,400
CET–APRS–STP–CBRN–0404—Determination of CBRN acid gases (phosgene) service life test, air-purifying escape respirators 1,400
CET–APRS–STP–CBRN–0405—Determination of CBRN acid gases (hydrogen sulfide) service life test, air-purifying escape respirators 800
CET–APRS–STP–CBRN–0406—Determination of CBRN acid gases (sulfur dioxide) service life test, air-purifying escape respirators 800
CET–APRS–STP–CBRN–0407—Determination of CBRN base gases (ammonia) service life test, air-purifying escape respirators 1,000
CET–APRS–STP–CBRN–0408—Determination of CBRN nitrogen oxide gases (nitrogen dioxide) service life test, air-purifying escape respirators 1,200
CET–APRS–STP–CBRN–0409—Determination of CBRN hydride gases (phosphine) service life test, air-purifying escape respirators 1,000
CET–APRS–STP–CBRN–0410—Determination of CBRN formaldehyde service life test, air-purifying escape respirators 1,000
CET–APRS–STP–CBRN–0411—Laboratory durability conditioning process for environmental, transportation and rough handling use conditions on chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) (air-purifying or self-contained) escape respirator— RDECOM environmental conditioning 22,000
CET–APRS–STP–CBRN–0411—NPPTL environmental conditioning 20,000
*CET–APRS–STP–CBRN–0414—Fogging 4,000
*CET–APRS–STP–CBRN–0417—Flammability, heat resistance 14,000
#CET–APRS–STP–CBRN–0450—Determination of chemical agent permeation and penetration resistance performance against sarin (GB) vapor of chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) air-purifying escape respirator—qualifier live agent testing (QLAT) only 7,000
#CET–APRS–STP–CBRN–0450—remainder live agent testing (RLAT) 6,000
#CET–APRS–STP–CBRN–0451—Determination of chemical agent permeation and penetration resistance performance against sulfur mustard (HD) liquid and vapor of the chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) air-purifying escape respirator—qualifier live agent testing (QLAT) only 7,000
#CET–APRS–STP–CBRN–0451—remainder live agent testing (RLAT) 6,000
#CET–APRS–STP–CBRN–0450 and CET–APRS–STP–CBRN–0451—aerosol process TDA–99M 600
EB–CBRN–APR–STP–0452—Determination of laboratory respirator protection level (LRPL) values for CBRN air-purifying escape respirator—LRPL 20,000
TEB–CBRN–APR–STP–0452—partial LRPL 16,000
CET–APRS–STP–CBRN–0454—Determination of human subject breathing gas (HSBG) concentrations (carbon dioxide and oxy-gen) for chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) air-purifying escape respirator 3,500
*CET–APRS–STP–CBRN–0455—Human subject breathing gas test 6,000
CET–APRS–STP–CBRN–0456—Determination of practical performance level for chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) (air-purifying or self-contained) escape respirator (1)
CET–APRS–STP–CBRN–0499—Determination of donning effectiveness of chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) (air-purifying or self-contained) escape respirator (1)
TEB–CBRN–STP–0501—Determination of CBRN organic vapor (cyclohexane) service life test, tight-fitting powered air-purifying respirators (PAPR) 1,000
TEB–CBRN–STP–0502—Determination of CBRN acid gases (cyanogen chloride) service life test, tight-fitting powered air-purifying respirators (PAPR) 2,400
TEB–CBRN–STP–0503—Determination of CBRN acid gases (hydrogen cyanide) service life test, tight-fitting powered air-purifying respirators (PAPR) 2,400
TEB–CBRN–STP–0504—Determination of CBRN acid gases (phosgene) service life test, tight-fitting powered air-purifying respirators (PAPR) 1,400
TEB–CBRN–STP–0505—Determination of CBRN acid gases (hydrogen sulfide) service life test, tight-fitting powered air-purifying respirators (PAPR) 800
TEB–CBRN–STP–0506—Determination of CBRN acid gases (sulfur dioxide) service life test, tight-fitting powered air-purifying respirators (PAPR) 800
TEB–CBRN–STP–0507—Determination of CBRN base gases (ammonia) service life test, tight-fitting powered air-purifying respirators (PAPR) 1,000
TEB–CBRN–STP–0508—Determination of CBRN nitrogen oxide gases (nitrogen dioxide) service life test, tight-fitting powered air-purifying respirators (PAPR) 1,200
TEB–CBRN–STP–0509—Determination of CBRN hydride gases (phosphine) service life test, tight-fitting powered air-purifying respirators (PAPR) 1,000
TEB–CBRN–STP–0510—Determination of CBRN formaldehyde service life test, tight-fitting powered air-purifying respirators (PAPR) 1,000
TEB–APR–STP–0511–CBRN—Determination of CBRN organic vapor (cyclohexane) service life test, loose-fitting powered air-purifying respirators (PAPR) 1,000
TEB–APR–STP–0512–CBRN—Determination of CBRN acid gases (cyanogen chloride) service life test, loose-fitting powered air-purifying respirators (PAPR) 2,400
TEB–APR–STP–0513–CBRN—Determination of CBRN acid gases (hydrogen cyanide) service life test, loose-fitting powered air-purifying respirators (PAPR) 2,400
TEB–APR–STP–0514–CBRN—Determination of CBRN acid gases (phosgene) service life test, loose-fitting powered air-purifying respirators (PAPR) 1,400
TEB–APR–0515–CBRN—Determination of CBRN acid gases (hydrogen sulfide) service life test, loose-fitting powered air-purifying respirators (PAPR) 800
TEB–APR–STP–0516–CBRN—Determination of CBRN acid gases (sulfur dioxide) service life test, loose-fitting powered air-purifying respirators (PAPR) 800
TEB–APR–STP–0517–CBRN—Determination of CBRN base gases (ammonia) service life test, loose-fitting powered air-purifying respirators (PAPR) 1,000
TEB–APR–STP–0518–CBRN—Determination of CBRN nitrogen oxide gases (nitrogen dioxide) service life test, loose-fitting powered air-purifying respirators (PAPR) 1,200
TEB–APR–STP–0519–CBRN—Determination of CBRN hydride gases (phosphine) service life test, loose-fitting powered air-purifying respirators (PAPR) 1,000
TEB–APR–STP–0520–CBRN—Determination of CBRN formaldehyde service life test, loose-fitting powered air-purifying respirators (PAPR) 1,000
NPPTL–STP–CBRN–PAPR–0550—Determination of CBRN powered air-purifying respirator (PAPR) performance during dynamic testing against the chemical agent vapor sarin (GB) chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) standard testing procedure (STP) 7,000
NPPTL–STP–CBRN–PAPR–0551—Determination of CBRN, powered air-purifying respirator (PAPR) performance during dynamic testing against chemical agent distilled sulfur mustard (HD) vapor and distilled sulfur mustard (HD) liquid chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) standard testing procedure (STP) 7,000
TEB–CBRN–APR–STP–0552—Determination of laboratory respirator protection level (LRPL) values for CBRN tight-fitting powered air-purifying respirator (PAPR) 20,000
TEB–CBRN–APR–STP–0553—Determination of laboratory respiratory protection level (LRPL) values for CBRN loose-fitting powered air-purifying respirator (PAPR) 20,000

New and Unspecified Tests

New and Unspecified Tests
Standard Test Procedure Fee ($)
This category is to be used for new, on-going, tests which are developed between revisions of the test fee schedule or for special, one-time tests which are required for respirators with unique features (per 42 CFR 84.63). (2)

* Draft test procedure in place, but final STP has not been published.
# Test is conducted by U.S. Army Research, Development and Engineering Command Edgewood Chemical Biological Center (ECBC).
1 No Fee, done as part of LRPL (TEB–CBRN–APR–STP–0452).
2 $500/day + the actual cost of non-NPPTL staff (typically medical staff and test subjects).