NORA Hearing Loss Prevention Sector Council Members

The Hearing Loss Prevention Council has two co-chairs, one from the NIOSH Hearing Loss Prevention Program and one from a partner organization. The NIOSH program manager and assistant coordinator also help to facilitate the work of the Council. Members attend meetings and participate in workgroups. Contact the Co-Chair or NORA Coordinator to volunteer.

Name Organization
Laurie Wells
3M Company
Amanda Azman
Co-Chair, NIOSH HLP Program Co-Coordinator
Elizabeth Masterson
Co-Chair, NIOSH HLP Program Co-Coordinator
NIOSH (Surveillance Program)
Lauralynn McKernan
NIOSH HLP Program Co-Manager
Thais Morata
Co-Manager, NIOSH HLP Program Co-Coordinator
Hannah Echt
HLP Program Assistant Coordinator
Amy Blank zCore Business Solutions Inc., DoD Hearing Center of Excellence
Ursula (Asha) Brogan NIOSH (Manufacturing Sector)
Laura Coco San Diego State University
David C. Copley Caterpillar, Inc.
Sharon Curhan Harvard University
Joe Defibaugh Komatsu Mining Corp.
Jackie DiFrancesco Michael & Associates, Inc.
Mark Ellis Industrial Minerals Association – North America
Melanie Hayes Occupational Safety and Health Administration
John Johnson  J3 Group, LLC
Walter Jones Laborers’ Health and Safety Fund of North America
Bradley King NIOSH (Oil & Gas Sector)
Colleen Le Prell University of Texas at Dallas
William (Bill) Murphy Stephenson and Stephenson Research and Consulting (SASRAC)
Minda Nieblas Occupational Safety and Health Administration
Travis Parsons Laborers’ Health and Safety Fund of North America
Benjamin Roberts Cardno Chemrisk
Theresa Schulz Department of Defense, Hearing Center of Excellence
Christina Stalnaker Mine Safety and Health Administration
Michele Stopper-Hollatz Milwaukee Tools
Christa Themann NIOSH (Services Sector)
Douglas Trout NIOSH (Construction Sector)
Kelly Schnapp Environmental Protection Agency