Economic Hardship and Life Expectancy in Nassau County, Florida


Economic Hardship Index (EHI) scores and life expectancy estimates at birth, by census tract, in Nassau County, Florida. EHI scores and life expectancy estimates were grouped into 4 classes by using Jenks natural breaks and combined to produce a bivariate map. EHI scores range from 0 to 100, with higher scores indicating worse economic conditions. The map highlights marked differences in economic conditions and life expectancy between census tracts. The map was shared with county health department staff members in response to calls for locally relevant data to address health disparities.

Location in County Life Expectancy Estimate, y EHI Score
Northwest 77.5 55.0–66.1
Middle west 75.4 41.4–54.9
Middle west 75.2 41.4–54.9
Southwest 76.1 55.0–66.1
Central 75.5 30.5–35.4
Central 74.7 41.4–54.9
Central 77.1 35.5–41.3
North coast 79.3 41.4–54.9
Middle coast 78.6 35.5–41.3
Middle coast 79.8 35.5–41.3
South coast 83.0 30.5–35.4
South coast 88.1 30.5–35.4

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