Most U.S. children and adults consume too much sodium. Excessive sodium increases the risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke. These resources provide additional information about the science supporting sodium reduction.
U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) information on lowering sodium in the food supply
Dietary Reference Intakes for sodium and potassium
Trends in blood pressure and usual dietary sodium intake among children and adolescents
Study: Adults receiving advice from health professionals to reduce sodium may lead to sodium reduction behavior
Estimated 24-hour urinary sodium and potassium excretion in U.S. adults
Potential impact of voluntary sodium reductions in commercially processed and prepared foods
U.S. consumers’ attitudes over time about actions or policies to limit sodium
Association between higher sodium excretion and higher blood pressure plus association between higher potassium excretion and lower blood pressure
Comparison of label and laboratory sodium values in popular foods in the United States