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Ancestors From Here? (static image)
Ancestors from here? Map of the following shaded regions: Africa, Europe, and Southeast Asia. Give b...
Ancestors From Here? (600x530)
Ancestors from here? Map of the following shaded regions: Africa, Europe, and Southeast Asia. Give b...
What’s Your Ancestry? Give Blood. Save a Life. (animated gif)
Do you have ancestors from here? Sickle cell disease (SCD) and thalassemia are inherited blood condi...
What’s Your Ancestry? Give Blood. Save a Life. (video - MP4)
Ancestors from here? Map of the following shaded regions: Africa, Europe, and Southeast Asia. Give b...
Text equivalent
Do you have ancestors from here?
Sickle cell disease (SCD) and thalassemia are inherited blood conditions.
Some people with these conditions count on blood from volunteer donors to live (transfusions).
People born with SCD or thalassemia have ancestors from places shown on this map.
If you do too, your blood may be their life-saving match!
- Give Blood
- Save Lives
- Tell Others